
I've been looking at this website where you enter an input string and you get an output "some_random_string.1.nameserver.io".

Now, I'm not sure if this is possible for any nameserver. Say you have ns1.somedomain.com, if you add any random string before that, will this impact DNS resolution in any way? Or is this just ignored?

1 Answers1


No. Domain Name System doesn't work that way at all.

This nameserver.io is a specific service that

provides a service to easily redirect your domains at the nameserver level. Simply enter where you want the domains to redirect, and we will provide you with the nameserver addresses to set for your domains.

The prefix is formed this way:

To get the nameserver addresses, we Base32 encode the redirect url, do this to it: (base32Str.replace(/=/g,'').match(/.{1,30}/g) || []).join('.'); and then prepend the result to .1.NAMERSERVER.IO and .2.NAMERSERVER.IO

(The information on these quotes was behind the learn more button on nameserver.io.)

Esa Jokinen
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