Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
1 answer

recommended TTLs during Zone transfer

I'm working on transferring zones from DynDNS to Route53, any suggestion on what the TTLs (SOA and NS records) should be - during this transition period (i.e. before/when I update the registrar to point to Route53 instead of DynDNS) ? according to…
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DNS is only partially working after changing the provider

My website is I bought a domain from GoDaddy and hosting is with Hostinger. I changed the nameserver to Hostinger, but it is still not fully propagated, after two weeks. What could be the problem?
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Can an SSL certificate be issued based on only a www 'a record'? SiteGround says 'no'

We build websites on SiteGround and have bumped into an issue with a client that has DNS and domain hosted at another (non-SiteGround) provider, with various services attached, such as FTP and email. Typically we build the site, let's say for…
2 answers

Dns propagation partially done

Few weeks ago I started a powerdns authoritative server for a third level domain. After 2 weeks I still have some public dns not resolving my records, for example google ( is resolving, but opendns ( is not resolving. I have…
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80, 8080, 443 port is closed in aws even though allowed and enabled in security policy

I am a newbie to AWS and have created one instance, in which I am trying to set up my subdomain. below are my OS details No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: …
2 answers

What is the best DNS record to make www resolve to non-www - A, AAAA or CNAME?

Cloudflare said Add an A, AAAA, or CNAME record for www so that ** will resolve So which record is the best to resolve it? A, AAAA or CNAME? And should I enter the record NAME to be or just www?
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How to configure the Record Sets in Google Cloud?

I have setup a VM on Google compute engine with a static IP address (say IPv4). Currently I am running two servers on the same VM, one at port 8000 and the other at 5000. I have a domain purchased on (say and I have…
1 answer

What are the drawbacks/issues when having REALM and DOMAIN with different names in FreeIPA?

I have been trying to configure a FreeIPA server for learning purposes and to have centralised access to all my self-hosted services for me and my family/friends. I started with this tutorial where they state that "It is highly recommended that you…
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Reverse DNS PTR record

I have a dedicated server (Ubuntu 18.04 with virtualmin & webmin) which is hosting 7 WordPress sites on it. I have set up MX, DMARC, SPF and DKIM records for each one of them but dns tests online kept mentioning that I need to set up PTR records for…
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Own NS on different servers

I have domain which I use as NS on my server1. Also I have second server2 and I want to use as it's NS too. OS of both servers is CentOS. I have 2 IPv4 on server1 and 1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 on server2. NS records of…
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2 answers

how does a name server knows which is the correct record?

I'm trying to understand how DNS work and there is something I cannot understad. Let's say I buy the domain and want to use amazingdns as my name server. So in the name registrar I configure the corresponding name servers, lets say…
Pedro Brost
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DNS Resolution Process when only part of the Authoritative DNS Servers (Name Servers) for a specfic Domain are reachable from the Internet

I would like to ask for some clarification on the following situation / Scenario. Let's assume I have a Domain, whose DNS A Records are registered by means of 2 Pairs (4 in total) of Name Servers; each Name Servers Pair is hosted within a different…
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3 answers

DNS (named) zone file loads correctly but does not resolve

I have a very strange problem that I not able to figure out. On my server I host two applications with two different domains: 1. 2. I also host a DNS server (fedora server) that I configured to resolve these…
Nopcea Francisc
2 answers

What are TLD Name Servers Authoritative for?

The Root Name servers are Authoritative for Top level domains. But what are TLD Name Servers Authoritative for? I understand that the final Name server in the recursion of resolver is Authoritative for the Domain that has been requested but not able…
1 answer

Migrating zone file from registrar to DNS provider

I own a domain, managed by my "registrar". I also have a VPS, managed by my "hoster" (e.g. DigitalOcean, etc.) I want to use the hoster's DNS services, so: I must change the NS records (in the registrar's zone file) from those of the registrar to…
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