Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
2 answers

Name server change, impact analysis and down time - worst case

The company I am working for is changing the name servers our registrar points to and wants a complete impact analysis in worst case scenario to impacted systems. I know if we update the TTL's and wait approx 48 hours for replication and then…
0 answers

How to migrate a cPanel domainkey txt field entry with multiple records (values) to CloudFlare?

I'm working on migrating all of the DNS entries on a cPanel server over to CloudFlare. In WHM (cPanel) I have a DKIM record that looks like this: CloudFlare appears to only facilitate a single txt field entry: How would you copy both of these TXT…
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Default scope resolution stops when DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy is defined

##Create the DNS Client Subnets Add-DnsServerClientSubnet -Name "USSubnet" -IPv4Subnet "" ##Add Zone Scopes Add-DnsServerZoneScope -ZoneName "" -Name "USZoneScope" ##Add Records to the Zone Scopes Add-DnsServerResourceRecord…
0 answers

Google Domains import DNS records after transfer?

Is it possible to import DNS zones into Google Domains after a domain has been transferred in? When you start a transfer it gives you the option to import then, or use your old name server. I have recently transferred all my domains to google DNS…
1 answer

How to set up whitelisting on a DNS forwarding server with BIND9?

I have set up a DNS forwarding server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using Bind 9. I need to implement DNS whitelisting, however, I have not found any tutorials which explain how to set it up. I have tried looking at information about Response Policy Zones…
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Split DNS - private addresses for LAN, global addresses for Internet?

I think this question has been asked previously, but I can't seem to find the right answer. How do I set up split DNS on my Windows server, such that a particular FQDN should be server one of 2 types of IP addresses - if the request comes in from an…
Abhishek Sha
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When an authoritative server is found in the NS record, is the A record checked for the ip address or not?

I am trying to understand what NS records are, how glue records form part of it and what happens afterwards? As far as I understand the NS record contains the hostname/s of the authoritative nameserver or those which might hold info on where to find…
1 answer

Bind DNS Server wont start

I'm currently running a VPS with CWPPro and my BIND DNS wont start. It gives this errors. Any ideas? named.service - Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS) Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service; enabled; vendor preset:…
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Domain transfer: is my transfer incomplete, or is propagation taking a while?

I transferred a domain between registrars (from AWS to a local one). Route 53’s logs show the transfer as complete. My new registrar and (it’s a domain) both show the transferred domain as ‘Active’. Does…
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How to point a name to another name in the DNS?

I need to create a A-Record for a subdomain on server X to make it point to server Y, but the IP from server Y is changing from time to time. Server Y also has a hostname / domain. The A-record does just accept IPV4 Addresses. Is there also a way to…
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link custom domain ( to Azure vm laravel & nginx

Good day, I have a Laravel application on an Azure Virtual machine using Nginx in the ubuntu VM. I wanted to link it to the custom domain I purchased on Those are the steps that I did so you can track with me the issue because I ran out…
Rose Riyadh
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Certificate validation issue with subdomains of subdomains

I have a current, production certificate with a wildcard common-name hosted in Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). I've added a CNAME with a subdomain of a subdomain (like ....) to our Route53 zone that points to our load-balancer (ALB). However,…
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Postfix email forwaring Gmail warning

Domain DNS Configuration 3600 IN MX 10 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx -all" POSTFIX Configuration /etc/postfix/virtual…
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Does creating a 10th level domain require creating 9 domain that preced to it?

Let's say, I own a domain and it's setup correctly in my domain management dashboard. Now I want to create a long subdomain of the 10th level: Will all that require that I somehow specify the IP addresses, or…
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Stood up Domain Controller using a seperate domains DNS server. How do I create the dc/pdc/gc records in DNS?

So we have a non-standard setup that appears to be supported by Microsoft. Pretty much a Domain controller not hosting DNS (Using another Domains DNS server). Delving into creating all of the records required and so far I have created the forward…
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