Questions tagged [devops]

56 questions
3 answers

Managing cluster of linux computers behind firewalls

My company's product is essentially a Linux box (Ubuntu) sitting in somebody else's network running our software. Up to now we had less than 25 boxes in the wild and used TeamViewer to manage them. We're now about to ship 1000 of these boxes and…
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Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 1. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement

I am running this template in cloud formation to create auto scaling in ubuntu-18.04 machine and it will rollback the all instances automatically that is created by this template and giving such error like. Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 1.…
2 answers

How to get the nearest subdirectory of a file as output in PowerShell?

I need to get only the nearest subdirectory and file name from the file path as follows. Ex:- (1)E:\Dump\DumpText-1.txt - Dump\DumpText-1.txt (2)E:\Dump\SubDump1\DumpText-1.txt -…
0 answers

Amazon OpenSearch Service stably or less downtime?

Can anyone point out, What is the best way for the elastic search to run stably? We frequently get messages about it requiring updates and that an update requires some downtime. Could we have 2 instances running and just change the DNS record to…
1 answer

Puppet manifest configuration for docker image verification

I’m quite new to devops/ci/cd, so bear with me. Currently, I’m getting a puppet manifest configuration set up for docker image verification. Let me try to layout it out: I have a puppet master server with the following configuration: Puppetmaster…
2 answers

Terraform: How to Detect and Branch on Operating System?

Given this block of pseudo code from Terraform: resource "null_resource" { provisioner "local-exec" { command = "echo hello" interpreter = local.os == "Windows" ? ["PowerShell", "-Command"] : ["bash"] } How would I get this to…
1 answer

How to tag docker image with git commit code short id, in azure devops?

I saw few links where I can tag my docker image using ${Build.SourceVersion} in azure devops pipeline. But it is using the complete ID of the commit. But I want to use only the short ID. I mean this (2cc7968) instead of this…
Sara June
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how to configure ingress controller in kubernetes cluster over bare metal system?

Is there any way to assign static IP to Kubernetes cluster, in which any user can able to access its application over static IP only. for an example, I have set up a cluster over (master), and…
1 answer

How to win_ping to hosts with inventory and group_vars files?

I'm trying to write a correct command line that will ping to all hosts that are detailed in my inventory file my dockerfile: FROM centos:7 RUN yum check-update; \ yum install -y gcc libffi-devel python3 epel-release; \ yum install -y…
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how to monitor a secure lab's machine and product's log files from my organization laptop?

I'm trying to find a solution that will help me to monitor the product's machines and log files in each one of them. here are some fact about my working environment: I have a product that's installed on labs composed of several machine (some of…
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1 answer

How to check application responding in Kubernetes

I have a .net framework application written in C# running in K8s orchestration. I simply want to check in fixed interval (lets say in every 300sec) that my application which is running inside pod is responding or not. Can someone let me know how to…
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0 answers

Open shift internal registry lost connection with the cluster

As a result getting image pull error while submitting the deployment to the kube API. Even the docker registry pod IP is in connection but VIRTUAL IP of docker registry lost connection with the cluster. Observed these logs in server. Error response…
1 answer

Unsure how to proceed from DigitalOcean droplets and CircleCI deployments to just automating the whole setup

I work within a small dev team and our current infrastructure is setup with GitHub for code, CircleCI to deploy these to our DigitalOcean Ubuntu droplets whenever something is merged into the develop branch (goes to Develop server) and master branch…
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What is the standard way to install jdk for wildfly on production?

There are options like, install from repo, install from rpm and install from tar/zip/etc archive What are the pros and cons? One con of installing from archive is, you don't get security updates. Is there any important advantage of installing from…
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2 answers

Why doesn't everyone just use the cheapest servers when using kubernetes?

Recently, I have been learning a lot about Kubernetes and learned that Kubernetes can horizontally auto-scale your containers and add servers to your node pool when needed (the cloud provider should support this feature for this to work, of course).…
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