Questions tagged [devops]

56 questions
1 answer

converting nginx from http to https

i am hosting a website on aws lighsail server. it is single server and i am running 4 docker container on it. 1-nginx , 2-node js, 3- spring bot, 4 - mysql. As for now my website is loading great with this : server { listen 80; …
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Parsing Command Response in Bash Script

I need a bash script that takes the output of a shell command and parses that output to pull out the state. If the State is: Bad, an email should be sent. ~$ bucardo status PID of Bucardo MCP: 2074 Name State Last good Time …
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Should I use kubeadm reset every time I reboot my master (or worker) node of kuberenetes cluster?

I am new in DevOps. Recently I bought two raspberry pi devices and setup one as master and the another as worker node. When I reboot the device the docker containers (api server etc.) don't up. What should to do in this case ? Should I use kubeadm…
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Migrate to Azure DevOps

My Dev team has created an Azure DevOPS on their own personal account and want to move it to our centralized Azure Tenant. I have access to the the Azure Tenant where I wish to host the devops. note I have and and…
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How to reduce "RAM Cache + Buffer" size due to scrapy

I am running a couple of spiders in parallel by scrapyd 1.2. Each process will raise the Buffer during the crawl significantly as seen in the chart. What is this value and how can I reduce the footprint?
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Linux/Ubuntu - Use AD groups in Ansible before the computer is on the domain

TL;DR How do I reference an AD group for folder permissions before my computer has joined the domain? I'm setting up an Ubuntu system to interface with the orgs Active Directory. I've read that private groups on the Linux machine is not the best…
Black Dynamite
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nginx dynamic ssl for SaaS application

my SaaS application create subdomain for each customer in my nginx i configured wildcard ssl certificate. (* and it works. how can I allow my customer to connect their own domain to their subdomain with ssl? i.e…
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Are names of groups of users better as singular or plural?

Intuition says to name a group with the plural noun (13 accountants are in the accountants group). However, intuition often isn't reliable. In SQL databases, for example, a plural table name (e.g. users) leads to unusual query statements (instead of…
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3 answers

Adobe Reader DC automated install using PowerShell

I wanted to automate the installation of Adobe Reader DC using an existing executable file (AcroRdrDC1501020060_en_US.exe) present in my local computer with a PowerShell script in non-interactive mode. My current PowerShell script is: Start-Process…
1 answer

OpenShift internal docker registry inaccessible

I am trying to connect with the internal docker registry of an openshift cluster with /bin/docker login -u user -p password` `oc get svc -n default | grep docker-registry `:5000 Getting the following message: Error response from daemon: Get…
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0 answers

Tools to filter outbound traffic

I want to filter my vm outbound traffic. I tried squid but it required many configuration tweaks. So may I know is there are any tools or services available to filter the outbound traffic?
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