Questions tagged [debug]

60 questions
4 answers

High CPU from httpd process

I am currently getting high CPU on a server that is just running a couple of sites with very low traffic. One of the sites is in still development going live soon. However, this site is very very slow...When browsing through its pages I can see that…
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2 answers

How do I debug an IIS problem where the requests queued suddenly ramps up and the server can't respond?

I have an IIS 6 server serving an application using a mix of classic ASP and ASP.NET. I'm increasingly getting problems where the number of requests in the ASP.NET requests queue (observed using the ASP.NET\Requests Queued counter) starts to…
Robin M
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ISC DHCPD memory leak solutions and or workarounds

Background: I have recently been put in charge of finding the root of and/or fixing a memory leak with an ISC DHCPD (4.2.5-P1) installation on a Debian (Lenny) Unix server. I have been researching the problem for over a week now and have retrieved a…
Dodzi Dzakuma
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centos 8: debuginfo-install can't find kernel-debuginfo package

I have a machine with CentOS-8 installed, kernel shipped with it is 4.18.0. I need to install debiginfo package: % sudo dnf debuginfo-install kernel-4.18.0-193.19.1.el8_2.x86_64 enabling epel-modular-debuginfo repository enabling epel-debuginfo…
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2 answers

How to see PHP error stack trace/dump?

Currently my web application can print error when host on my local machine. When I host it on Amazon EC2 server. The error page is empty/blank. I want to see the error stack trace when run on EC2, how can I do that? I'm using Ubuntu Natty 11.04 and…
Nam G VU
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Vista cmd shell thinks it's Windows Server 2008 DEBUG

Never seen this before - My vista cmd shell started displaying everything in yellow and outputs the following as soon as I start it: Setting SDK relative to C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDK/Windows/v6.1 . Targeting Windows Server 2008 x86 DEBUG Any…
2 answers

Help trying to figure out why IIS7 is crashing / locking up / denying connections

I've got a pretty busy website that is running on a single web front end machine, on W2K8 + IIS7. Every now and then - eg. maybe monday at 3am or something, then a few days later .. some early morning time .. then nothing for 2 weeks ... etc - the…
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How do I use ISDN debug on a Cisco router to troubleshoot PRI phone issues?

We have a Cisco 2811 with UCM E 7.0 running our phone system. It is connected to the PSTN by a VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 card connected to a PRI from the phone company. From time to time of late, we are experiencing fast-busy signals when trying to make…
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deep debug/monitoring LSI RAID cotroller

I happen to be I stile use LSI RAID controller for Lustre file system in Centos 5. Sometimes Lustre have file system have failure. In my opinion it can be connected with working LSI RAID controller 9260. But in logs I cant saw some failures. May be…
Black S.
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1 answer

Using ftrace to spy on files being created?

We are in this scenario: When we try to look at a rogue process (which is consuming 100% CPU) then it's in this state: ls -l /proc/XXXX/fd lrwx------ 1…
Patrick Rynhart
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ProFTPD options: how to debug

Within a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo) I would like to use the module mod_ban in order to set a ClientConnectRate event. The service is started as: systemctl start proftpd Service is configured as below: [root@lclftpcrb001blq…
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1 answer

Crash utility exit with error in Rhel6.6

Crash utility fails with below error. crash /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64.debug/vmlinux vmcore crash 6.1.0-5.el6 Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Red Hat, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 IBM Corporation Copyright (C) 1999-2006 …
Paul Jany Godwin
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Enabling on Tomcat 8 breaks HTTPS with "EC AlgorithmParameters not available"

In troubleshooting an issue with my Tomcat servlet I decided to enable network debugging by editing /var/apache-tomcat-8.5.5/bin/ and changing the line export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" to export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m…
Jordan Rieger
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TCP traceroute to specific port?

Is it possible to use tcptraceroute to probe a certain port? The documentation in the man pages seems to suggest that the '-p' port flag is for UDP, and when used with tcptraceroute, is for specifying the source port? How do I specify the…
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How to proceed in analyzing IIS 7.5 Debug Diagnostic Tool dump from w3wp.exe thread crash from Windows Process Activation Service

I am using the Debug Diagnostic Tool (DebugDiag v1.2) on a few production Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard servers running a custom web application built in-house on IIS 7.5 to create crash dump files. The issue is that Windows Process Activation…