Miles Elam



Lots of languages and frameworks, but I prefer the right tool for the job:

  • TypeScript/Node + GraphQL for web apps
  • TypeScript/Svelte + GraphQL for web UI
  • C or C++ for systems-level stuff but want to learn Rust since it looks like an obvious win over C or C++
  • Bash for simple CLI glue
  • SQL for structured data and analysis
    • PostgreSQL by default
    • SQLite for single-client setups
  • Python when it fits into an existing ecosystem like Blender or Gimp
  • Lua when it fits into an existing ecosystem like OpenResty
  • Java 14 looks interesting, but I keep getting stuck in Java 8 projects
  • Groovy if I'm editing Jenkins configs (which I don't care for)

Active learning TODO by priority:

  1. AWS DevOps & SysOps certification
  2. Rust
  3. Swift
  4. Kotlin
  5. Go