Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
0 answers

Advice about scaling out IIS and SQL Server 2014 on Windows Server 2012R2

We are running a dual processor server E5-2630 V3 / 64 GB RAM with Windows Server 2012 R2, this server has IIS and SQL Server 2014 installed, only one web service is running to serve a mobile application. The server is serving almost 500,000 active…
1 answer

max data transfer rate on RAID array

1) Let's say I have an array of twelve disc drives in a RAID-1 formation. That's effectively six drives presented for use. What's the maximum read rate I should be able to get out of that array? Let's say each drive maxes out at 40 MB/sec. Does…
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Two Azure disks have the same LUN

I am trying to set up SQL Server on an Azure VM (that has an SSD) per the following articles: Performance Best Practices for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines Using SSDs in Azure VMs to store SQL Server TempDB and Buffer Pool…
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MySQL slow connection

I am running a laravel application that is on a separate server than my MySQL database. If I run the query on the Mysql server it takes the expected 0.00 - 0.01 seconds to return. However when I log the time from the start of a query to the end it…
1 answer

Where should the DB server be and its updates scripts should run from where?

I currently have a web application and database on the same server. I am moving the database to a new server that is spec'd for being a database. Now i have nightly scripts that run on the web application that insert and update data for the…
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MySQLD is using 175% of the cpu

On one of the servers, I have mysqld running as slave DB. The CPU usage is 175% at the moment used by mysqld. Here are the results of SHOW…
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Innodb performs IO Operation when idle

I am currently doing some stress testing where I am pushing inserts to the database as fast as I can. The simulation inserts 10000 records per second. After inserting around 200 million records I found that the inserts were very slow. So I stopped…
Laxman Prabhu
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How to set MySQL's internal time zone support?

Today MySQL at Facebook posted the following about MySQL performance: Today we found a performance problem in a completely unexpected place - if TIMESTAMP data type is being used and MySQL is configured to use system time zone, it will hit a code…
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OpenBase server database connection troubleshoot?

I am troubleshooting a workstation/server instance in which an application hangs while interacting with our Windows 2003 Server OpenBase-hosted database. In short, the application will go into "Not Responding" for 45-seconds or more while doing…
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Database server's Load reaches very high values while nothing seems to use CPU, what could be the reason?

top - 16:33:08 up 155 days, 6:05, 5 users, load average: 27.93, 35.31, 31.34 At this moment it only shows 27.0 but the behavior is like so: While mysqld uses 0% cpu the load raises to high values (also the server is on 99.20 Idle) Whenever a…
Itai Ganot
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No. of databases or no. of tables?

I am running three different sites with ImpressPages CMS v 2.6.. ImpressPages is built on PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5. Each site have about 33 MySQL tables and the databases is using MyISAM engine. I have two configuration options. First: I can create 3…
0 answers

Disk IO slower when outstanding IO requests are less than 32

I moved the databases from one server to another and general remark from users is that its slower. The old server was on windows 2003,64 bit, SQL 2005 Ent edition(32 bit) whereas new one is Windows 2008 R2, 64 bit, SQL 2005 Std edition-64 bit. I ran…
1 answer

MongoDB Locking - Very, very, slow to read

This is the output from db.currentOp(): > db.currentOp() { "inprog" : [ { "opid" : 2153, "active" : false, "op" : "update", "ns" : "", "query" : { "name" :…
  • 167
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2 answers

Postgresql performance enhancement

I have my setup like this: Two separate instances of the database on a clustered environment. Both instances are on dedicated servers each carries up to the standard configurations. Instance one (R1) is used by an application which do day-to-day…
1 answer

mysql database config optimization

Have a heavily trafficed database running mostly innodb and would like to better optimize the mysql config. Server has 32Gb ram and the biggest tables are ~18Gb innodb. I think I have done all the obvious things to try and improve performance, but…