Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
2 answers

PostgreSQL, automate REINDEX, Windows environment

I have a couple of PostgreSQL tables (9.1) which are inserted to / deleted from often. Over time they suffer from index bloating even though the autovacuum is configured and runs regularly. I'm thinking about automating the REINDEX on these…
3 answers

Redirect MySQL queries to another server

In order to lower system usage I'm planning to use another server to store my databases. so how can I redirect MySQL queries to another server or make MySQL to store databases on another server?
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Server Performance

I know very little about performance tuning of servers etc... so i thought i'd put this up here as i start some research on it, just to get some direction. I am in the process of migrating from my old server to a new one - both are 64 bit…
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Why does MySQL use a different index for my query in different versions?

I have a large-ish InnoDB table (about 800MB), and I'd like to count rows. I know SELECT COUNT(*) has issues in InnoDB, but one of the solutions I've seen is to create a secondary index, which is much faster than chewing through the PRIMARY, at…
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Improving latency between developer machine and oracle db

It seems our developers are concerned with the latency they are getting between their dev machines at site a and the database which is at site b. Ofcourse the obvious thing is to have as little as possible hops between site a and b and make sure we…
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Will a raid 10 help my db server in terms of trans/sec?

I've been reading about 10k drives being able to run 166 transactions per second vs 250/sec on 15k drives, which in both cases is just the number of rotations per second. What does this really mean for my DB though? If I buy a 15k drive, can I…
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How often would you run the Postgresql maintenance tasks

After reading the Postgresql documentation, we found that it's recommendable to run the Vacuum tasks daily: We recommend that active production databases be vacuumed frequently (at least nightly), in order to remove dead rows. Nonetheless, we're…
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Server configurations for hosting MySQL database

I have a web application which uses a MySQL database hosted on a virtual server. I've been using this server when I started the application and when the database was really small. Now it has grown and the server is not able to handle the db, causing…
1 answer

Understanding MySQL Query Cache and when to implement it?

On our current MySQL server query cache is enabled. Qchache_hits: 31913 Qchache_inserts: 50959 Qchache_lowmem_prunes: 9320 Qchache_not_chached: 209320 Qchache_queries_in_chace: 986 com_update: 0 com_delete: 0 com_Select: 10 I do not fully…
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Would it be okay to run Apache on one EC2 instance and MySQL on another?

I'm currently running a VPS that uses ~1.5GB of ram. I'm thinking of switch to Amazon EC2, because access to our host is pretty slow, lots of downtime, etc. An EC2 small instance has 1.7GB, so I assume if I want to migrate I'm going to need more…
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MySQL: view read/write proportion, per specific table

I'm optimizing the configuration of a MySQL server, running only Bromine. This is non specific to application, and was just noted for completeness. I am trying to determine if switching from MyISAM to InnoDB is a better option, on few write dominant…
J. M. Becker
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Web Cluster with 10,000 connections

I've been tasked with a project. We are hosting a web service for a client which will only serve static content (from the filesystem). The system has to handle 10,000 connections at any one time. There will be a database to store customer details,…
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Validate SQL Server partitions and filegroups

Information: I took over a SQL Server 2005 that the previous DBA had configured three filegroups to segregate the data onto unique LUNs: G: Data (Primary) F: Audit J: Index However, the developers are not certain that these Filegroups have been…
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SQL Server blocking queries

My normal running SQL Server 2005 SP3 servers started experiencing random blocking issues over the past month. Each time it happens I run my blocking script to see whats blocking what (see code block below). I see SPIDs that are causing blocks, but…
1 answer

SQL 2008 Performance Reports

Does anybody know of DMV's or reports that will show the historical performance of the stored procedures on the server? Also if that data is stored in a table or tables, what is the retention period and can it be adjusted? Thanks for your time...
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