Questions tagged [daemon]

On linux an unix-like systems is demon the designation of processes running in the background and providing certain services. Direct user intaractions with demons are not intended.

280 questions
1 answer

Monit configuration reload - supposed to restart monitored services?

Running Monit 5.4 on an Ubuntu server. When I use monit reload, it seems that it restarts monitored services (Tomcat 7 in this situation). Is it the expected behavior? Documentation says : reload - Reinitialize a running Monit daemon, the daemon…
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4 answers

Is there a difference between a daemon and a service?

Is there a difference between a daemon and a service? Or are they both basically an application that is resident in memory, and is bound to a specific port and listens/responds to requests?
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3 answers

Can start-stop-daemon use environmental variables?

I need to daemonize a Windows app running in Wine, and create a pid in /var/run. Since it requires an X11 session to run, I need to make sure the $DISPLAY variable is set in the running user's environment. Assuming I already have a X11 session…
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Systemd : Run a Python Script At Startup (virtualenv)

I have a python script that I normally run it with this command: (environment) python I want to run this script at start. (I'm using ubuntu) Here is my service: [Unit] Description=My Script…
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3 answers

Managing daemons with supervisor: no foreground mode available

I'm trying to manage a process with supervisord, but the process does not have an option to run in foreground: it always daemonizes. (That's Zabbix Server). Is there any way to manage daemons with supervisor? Any tools which will make it run in…
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5 answers

runit - unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist

I'm trying to figure out why runit will not boot or give me the status for the managed applications. Running on Ubuntu 12.04. I created /service, /etc/sv/myapp (with a run script, a config file, a log folder and a run script inside of it). I create…
Alexandr Kurilin
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Init script does not create a PID file

I need to create an init script for an IRC logger. I copied /etc/init.d/skeleton. I filled in the configuration section to fit my needs and I also had to add --background to the start daemon command since my IRC logger doesn't split off. The logger…
Cory Walker
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2 answers

Run as different user

On a RedHat system, i'm trying to launch a program with a different user who dont have any shell. In /etc/passwd, shell is /sbin/nologin. I have tried: su myuser -c /home/myuser/ Result: This account is currently not available. With chown…
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2 answers

Call to daemon in a /etc/init.d script is blocking, not running in background

I have a Perl script that I want to daemonize. Basically this perl script will read a directory every 30 seconds, read the files that it finds and then process the data. To keep it simple here consider the following Perl script (called…
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2 answers

systemd ignores return code while starting service

I ran into this problem while writing unit-file for one simple daemon. When daemon returns '1' on startup systemd just ignores it, and it looks like daemon was started successfully while it's actually dead. For example, I have very simple shell…
Paul K.
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1 answer

Safely providing passwords to a linux daemon

I have a linux daemon that accesses some services (db etc). It needs some passwords for this. What would be the best way to give the passwords to the daemon in a secure manner? I currently store the passwords in a root-read-only config file, but it…
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daemon function isn't working in CentOS 6.4

I'm trying to daemonize a process under a different user. In my init.d, I have a service which looks a little bit like this: ... start() { echo "Starting mydaemon..." daemon --user someuser --name mydaemon mycommand } ... (entire script…
Chris Watts
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How can I generate a command for start-stop-daemon that will kill the process if it doesn't term during a timeout period?

I need to run a start-stop-daemon for a redis instance and I want it to send a SIGTERM and if the redis instance doesn't quit i would like it to force a quit. The start-stop-daemon configuration says that the --retry option can be used for that but…
2 answers

What's the purpose of kslowd?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10: uname -a Linux mt-xps 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux When I run top, I occasionally see a "kslowd000" or similar process popping up in the top CPU usage list. I've tried…
Martin T.
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3 answers

Ways to set umask on Ubuntu for daemon processes

I have an http daemon server process (yaws) that I would like to have server write any new files with a umask of 002, so that another user in the same group can modify, move, or delete files created by the daemon process. This is on Ubuntu…
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