Questions tagged [yaws]

4 questions
3 answers

Ways to set umask on Ubuntu for daemon processes

I have an http daemon server process (yaws) that I would like to have server write any new files with a umask of 002, so that another user in the same group can modify, move, or delete files created by the daemon process. This is on Ubuntu…
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1 answer

Installing Yaws server on Ubuntu 12.04 (Using a cloud service)

I'm trying to get a Yaws web server working on a cloud service (Amazon AWS). I've compilled and installed a local copy on the server. My problem is that I can't get Yaws to run while running on either port 8000 or port 80. I have the following…
Lee Torres
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1 answer

Can YAWS run in multi-machine mode?

I know Erlang has the ability to run across multiple machines. Can YAWS also do this? Would there be any advantage?
Jason Christa
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1 answer

How can I edit Yaws config file on Windows?

I have installed Yaws webserver on my Windows Vista machine. Now I want to edit yaws.conf so that the server listen to another port instead of the default 8080. But when I'm editing the file in a text editor, I can not save the file, because it says…
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