Questions tagged [connections]

83 questions
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Determining currently-serving files in IIS 7

serverfault showed me this topic, and I think I want to do the same thing, but in IIS, not Apache. I have a "dashboard" application I'm building and I want it to show what files are currently being served by IIS. They'll mostly all be large files.…
2 answers

Mysql : Number of connections in a given duration

How do I find out how many connections were made to the mysql server in a given duration?
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Why is server is waiting with second request untill first is fisnished

Not sure what it is, but everytime I try to run one http request from browser, second must wait for first to fisnish. Is it server side configuration/seciurirty? For example, I have 2 files long.php and short.php. After making request to long.php…
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Azure components connectivity check

My Project involves various azure products like web job, Event hub, table storage, blob storage etc. I need to create a Live dashboard which shows the connectivity of the various components. Eg., one web job get data from event hub, and moves it…
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Increase number of rsh connections

We are using a Server with OS RHEL 7.2 server version. Number of rsh connections to the system is limited to a number around 70. We are getting a message Connection reset by peer from server as that number gets exhausted. I want to increase number…
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Identify failing or hanging outbound network connections on linux

I admin a busy webserver which uses nginx/php-fpm , connects out to mysql(RDS) and elasticsearch, but also many third parties for advertising and other plugins etc are on the site(unfortunately I’m not aware of all the specifics). I have a random,…
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Sudden increase nf_conntrack / ip_conntrack

Often there is a sudden increase in ip_conntrack connections on my server. (See image below). This sudden increase results in a abnormal increase in SYN_SENT connections.(see screenshot) This is a drop of connections on a un expected moment. The…
Peter Fox
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A LOT of connections from my external IP address to my web server

I installed Nagios recently on a Debian machine running an Apache web server among other things. The thing is that lately, Nagios tells me that the HTTP service is failing intermittently and it seems that, at random moments, the server gets A TON of…
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increase nginx active connection more than 65535

currently I'm doing setup for nginx to accept C1M, I do in my Virtual BOX with Centos 7.0 and RAM 10G. Here my sysctl.conf configuration. fs.file-max = 9999999 fs.nr_open =…
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MySQL connections not closing

I have a web application running on Tomcat7 that connects to MySQL 5.5. I have two servers running the identical code: Ubuntu Red Hat The Ubuntu one runs fine maintaining a steady 8-16 connections, but the Red Hat one leaks connections and the…
Roy Hinkley
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FreeBSD Established Connections Maxing out at 300

We've previously had issues in our environment where it seemed we were reaching FreeBSDs max connection limit. We took action demonstrated by and bumped up our connections limit to 500:…
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Open file count keeps increasing forever

I'm experiencing issues with the number of files opened increasing over time. If I run my server for about few hours, it'll no more accept any connections. The limit was 1024. I've increased the limit to about 40,000 and still the number is going up…
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syslog-ng 2.0.9 closing tcp connections from some clients instantly..?

I've a syslog-ng instance on 2.0.9, which is old, but... this is enterprise IT and upgrading the versions is... fun... running on Solaris 10. I have this strange problem where some clients stop being able to stay connected to the server on TCP. When…
Chris Phillips
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minicom cmd not showing

I am using minicom in centos to try to connect to a cisco router. I did the configuration with minicom -s changed the serial port to the appropriate one /dev/ttyS1. Saved as dfl. and Exit. When minicom started i got the following. Welcome to…
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Can ping servers but cannot connect to them

Sorry in advance if this question is a bit newbi-ish. I downloaded Microsoft Connection Manager and added multiple .rdg files for different servers I need to access. I can browse to only a few of them, but most of them I get the following…
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