Questions tagged [cluster]

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

The components of a cluster are usually connected to each other through fast local area networks, each node running its own instance on an operating system. Computer clusters emerged as a result of convergence of a number of computing trends including the availability of low cost microprocessors, high speed networks, and software for high performance distributed computing.

Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.

Computer clusters have a wide range of applicability and deployment, ranging from small business clusters with a handful of nodes to some of the fastest supercomputers in the world such as the K computer.

Source: Wikipedia.

1337 questions
2 answers

A roundrobin for incoming files

A bunch of new files with unique filenames regularly "appears"1 on one server. (Like hundreds GBs of new data daily, solution should be scalable to terabytes. Each file is several megabytes large, up to several tens of megabytes.) There are several…
Alexander Gladysh
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2 answers

Linux Filesystem options for iSCSI shared storage

I am trying to determine my 'best choice' for a filesystem to use for a shared storage device that will be mounted via iSCSI across an indeterminate number of servers. Setup: 27TB Synology RS2212+ array, iSCSI LUN/target that allows multiple…
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4 answers

Advantages of Using Nginx or HA Proxy as Load Balancer

In our environment we us both Nginx and HA Proxy on different clusters. Are there advantages of using one over the other? Or, what is the best way to go about load balancing a basic LAMP server cluster?
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5 answers

How to build a single virtual machine on top of multiple computers?

Is there a way to run Linux operating system on a virtual machine which aggregates the resources of physical machines on the local network and acts as a single super-computer? If possible, how? Thanks.
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5 answers

KVM+DRBD replicated between two active-passive servers with manual switching

I need to build 2-node cluster(-like?) solution in active-passive mode, that is, one server is active while the other is passive (standby) that continuously gets the data replicated from active. KVM-based virtual machines would be running on active…
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11 answers

Which database servers are not interrupted by server reboots? (Clusters?)

We have been asked to deliver a system where the central database server continues its operations, even when applying security updates to the server's operating system or to the database server software. As far as I see it, this includes security…
Lars D
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1 answer

Miserable performance of Hyper-V storage on CSV

I recently setup a new environment consisting of: - QSAN Storage with 10Gib network - Mellanox switches 10Gib - 4 x Physical nodes connect to LAN and SAN 10Gib The physical hosts are connected using MPIO to the SAN storage, performance tests were…
4 answers

Two-Node Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Cluster: Is it possible use local physical disks in the cluster?

Looking at the following Clustered Shared Spaces TechNet article, and it looks like this only applies to hosts sharing a JBOD enclosure by way of external SAS backplane. However, each host in the two-node cluster has an identical amount of SAS 15K…
1 answer

Does CoreOS have a cluster aware job scheduler?

Ive been checking out CoreOS and I'm impressed. Before I found CoreOS I was looking at the Mesos/Marathon/Chronos stack as a "cluster kernel". Given the following comparison: init.d == Mesos+Marathon == CoreOS+Fleet cron == Mesos+Chronos ==…
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1 answer

Heartbeat meatware STONITH on kernel panic

I have a two node cluster with heartbeat and DRBD managing a mysql resource. The failover works great if I halt the primary, reboot it, or disconnect the network connection. However, if the primary suffers from a kernel panic (simulated by running…
Ethan Hayon
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2 answers

What "pieces" are needed in order to set up a cluster of physical servers?

Background: Currently, we use Rackspace cloud servers. We have no intention to stop using them, but would like to look into setting up a cluster of physical servers (probably desktop computers in the $400 range with 8gb memory each) to offset some…
Chris Dutrow
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7 answers

High availability virtual machines

I've been reading a lot about high availability virtualization, either via Hyper-V or VMWare. In that context, essentially high availability means that the VM is hosted by a cluster of physical servers (nodes), so if one of the physical servers…
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6 answers

Cluster failover and strange gratuitous arp behavior

I am experiencing a strange Windows 2008R2 cluster related issue that is bothering me. I feel that I have come close as to what the issue is, but still don't fully understand what is happening. I have a two node exchange 2007 cluster running on two…
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9 answers

Is it possible to create a faster computer from many computers?

My post below was (I think rather unfairly) closed on StackOverflow hence my reposting here. Original Question: How can I use several computers to create a faster environment? I have about 12 computers with 4GB each and 2GHz each. I need to run some…
7 answers

How can I shut down (power off) cluster nodes during low load?

I'm developing software for the energy consulting business and in monitoring energy use in datacenters, I've noticed that the typical electric load "pattern" of a datacenter is just a flat line, because all the gear runs 24/7. If you compare this to…
Hanno Fietz
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