Questions tagged [cluster]

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

The components of a cluster are usually connected to each other through fast local area networks, each node running its own instance on an operating system. Computer clusters emerged as a result of convergence of a number of computing trends including the availability of low cost microprocessors, high speed networks, and software for high performance distributed computing.

Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.

Computer clusters have a wide range of applicability and deployment, ranging from small business clusters with a handful of nodes to some of the fastest supercomputers in the world such as the K computer.

Source: Wikipedia.

1337 questions
8 answers

Clusterssh alternative for managing multiple SSH server

Is there any alternative to Clusterssh, pssh etc, to manage multiple ssh based servers through one interface? One weakness in Clusterssh is that my servers use key based authentication, with passhprase to login, and there is no way to login to…
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5 answers

How to setup STONITH in a 2-node active/passive linux HA pacemaker cluster?

I am trying to setup an active/passive (2 nodes) Linux-HA cluster with corosync and pacemaker to hold a PostgreSQL-Database up and running. It works via DRBD and a service-ip. If node1 fails, node2 should take over. The same if PG runs on node2 and…
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1 answer

downgrade cluster functional level

I would like to try to add a Server 2012 Hyper-V server to my current cluster, Currently 2 server 2016 Hyper-V servers clustered. I need to be able to add the third because I have to do some reconfiguration on the cluster, I have to be able to Live…
Anthony Fornito
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1 answer

What is the minimum amount of servers for a production mongoDB cluster?

On the mongoDB documentation for a production cluster architecture I read that the minimum amount of servers for a running production mongoDB cluster is 7: Is it possible to share the routers, config servers and shards on the same servers (having 3…
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3 answers

RabbitMQ - How I do configure servers for zero-downtime upgrades?

Having read through the docs and RabbitMQ in Action, creating a RabbitMQ cluster seems straightforward enough, but upgrading or patching an existing RabbitMQ cluster seems to require the whole cluster to be restarted. Is there a way to combine…
Terence Johnson
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6 answers

Best way to load balance across multiple static file servers for even an bandwidth distribution?

First off, I'll explain my situation to you. I'm running a fairly popular website as a side project, so I can't really invest a ton of money into it. I currently have just one server with HAProxy in the front sending out normal requests to Apache,…
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5 answers

what cluster management software to use for linux?

I have found the following cluster management software tools: pacemaker (, - original a Heartbeat project, focus for high-availability, will be in the next debian version openqrm (, - web gui - broader usage, a A site…
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6 answers

What distributed shell utilities do people feel are good, flexible, and easy to use?

I've been searching and collecting links for a lot of them, but many of these tools don't have enough use case or demonstration documentation to be able to evaluate their potential worth without installing and trying them out. I am hoping that…
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1 answer

Why does requesting GPUs as a generic resource on a cluster running SLURM with the built-in plugin fail?

Disclaimer: This post is quite long as I tried to provide all relevant configuration information. Status and Problem: I adminster a gpu cluster and I want to use slurm for job management. Unfortunatelly, I cannot request GPUs using the respective…
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4 answers

DIY Hadoop Cluster - Heat & Dust issues?

Following are links of my DIY 6-Node Hadoop Cluster using i3 Machines, What is the best possible way to protect my design from dust & provide better heat transfer? What should I use to cover four side of my rack in order to protect it from dust?
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4 answers

Ganeti vs Proxmox

I'm system administrator in small software house. I'm going to virtualise our servers. The main reason for doing this is providing highest possible uptime, but probably it will also increase resources utilization. We have two servers. On one we have…
2 answers

SSH Host key verification issues using VIP

We have 2 production servers on a VIP, only one is in use at a time, for example: normally points to server1, in the event that server1 fails it is changes to point at server2. There are some other servers which need to send…
Paul Creasey
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2 answers

Best options for storing and sharing data over mutiple servers, to be accessed by multiple users

In the environment I currently work in there are several servers dedicated to various departments. However we recently got our hands on several identical servers potentially, around 10+. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction on a…
2 answers

Redis high availability and load balancing

I'm using Redis for some time and now we want to move to a redundant cluster which would be fault tolerant, highly available and load balanced. I principally use Redis for some PHP web application which stores some process status information (I'm…
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4 answers

Test-Cluster Powershell cmdlet List vs Validate

The Powershell cmdlet Test-Cluster queries a myriad of data and performs validation tests which it wraps into a pretty report. If you run Test-Cluster -List you get a list of item's you can individually query with the cmdlet. There's a common…
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