Ok here's the deal - im new to SSH and have been googling around trying to figure this out. Objective for me has been to create a FTP user that can login only to: /var/www/mydomain.com/ - however what I experience is that the user I create gets logged into /home/username and that I can actually browse all other folders on the server with this user.
These are the steps ive done - am I missing anything specific?
1. mkdir /var/www/mydomain.com
2. mkdir /var/www/mydomain.com/html
3. useradd <-username>
4. passwrd <-username>
5. chown –R <-username> /var/www/mydomain.com
5. groupadd <-groupname>
6. gpasswd -a <-username> <-groupname>
7. chgrp -R <-groupname> /var/www/mydomain.com
8. chmod -R g+rw /var/www/mydomain.com
Done on a Centos / linux installation.