Questions tagged [centos8]

267 questions
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proto static metric for overlapping prefixes

Can someone please clarify how the route metric is set by Centos 8 in the following situation. I have two vlans on the system, each of which has a matching route prefix defined in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-vlanXX. ip route show gives the…
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On CentOS Certbot / Lets Encrypt uses snap to keep SSL certificates up to date. Is there another method that will keep certificates up to date?

Environment: Centos 8, Certbot, Lets Encrypt On CentOS distributions certbot / Lets Encrypt uses snap to keep SSL certificates up to date. Below are the instructions. certbot instructions: Nginx on CentOS/RHEL 8 $ sudo snap install core; sudo snap…
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md raid5 extremely slow on discard

Hi all md raid experts Running Centos 8 (with all latest updates, kernel 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64) where I have 3x2T Samsung SSD 860 QVO 2TB in raid5 (to be used as base for some KVM VMs) and when I do something that involves discard it's not…
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What is Apache trying to do with port 80 that SELinux is blocking?

I have a small web server (CentOS 8) that runs a small php & mysql app. It also runs runs Nagios, BIND, and Postfix running as a secondary MX. Everything seems to "work", and I've never noticed any problems. I'm able to load Nagios and the other php…
David W
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svnserve with selinux on nfs mount unable to start (Centos8)

might be a silly question. Struggling with my subversion server on a Centos8 with selinux enforced. We have an NFS mount to store the data (/mnt/data/svn). The problem (when selinux is in enforcement mode) is that the service won't start as it has…
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How to extend partition in CentOS 8

I hope someone can help me here. I have below partition in my CentOS 8 which is a VM hosted in hyper-v 2012. [root@appliance ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev tmpfs 3.9G …
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Postfix 3.3.1 on Centos 8 can't enable TLSv1 or TLSv1.1

I recently migrated my main mail server to a new one, the old one had been running for almost 10 years and was the production server for around 20 domains and over 40 mailboxes. Everything went well and the configuration is not that much different…
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Switch from existing firewalld configuration to nftables

I'm running a low-RAM VPS with CentOS 8. I've noticed that firewalld service uses way too much RAM (up to 20%). So I guess it may be better to switch to use only built-in nftables. I'm quite familiar with old iptables as well as firewalld…
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daemontools svscan cannot start supervise due to permission denied error on CentOS 8

I have installed daemontools-0.76 on a CentOS 8 system as per the official docs here: I then created a test service symlinked in /service/test with a simple run file that echoes text to stdout (as basic as it gets).…
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centos 8 - sssd configuration not fetching shadow contents for ldap user

I have configured sssd on centos 8 and ldap on centos 7. I am able to get details about a testuser using getent passwd and getent group , but while testing it for getent shadow I am not getting any details for the testuser. This is causing login…
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samba server mount points stopped working on CentOS 8 install, error: Failed to start SPNEGO handler for negprot OID list

After about 6 months of smb working flawlessly on a home server, it is now failing to allow remote systems to mount with the following error message in /var/log/messages: Jun 27 12:53:10 bike3 smbd[19385]: [2020/06/27 12:53:10.706872, 0]…
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How to modify a VM instance setting to boot from BIOS to UEFI?

I shrank my boot hard disk size on my Google Cloud Compute VM. Something which switched the boot method of the OS installed on it from legacy to UEFI along with the disk boot settings (which triggers UEFI setting must be the same for the instance…
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How does dnf-automatic send emails without knowing a password?

In the dnf-automatic config file automatic.conf I see the following lines under the email section. [email] # The address to send email messages from. email_from = # List of addresses to send messages to. email_to =…
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Where is the Redis module for PHP on CentOS 8 (php-pecl-redis)?

I can't find the package php-pecl-redis on CentOS 8 with EPEL repository enabled. Apparently EPEL no longer provides it. I've only found it on REMI repository, but I would have to replace my entire PHP setup for the one provided by REMI, which I'm…
Rodrigo Renie
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PXE kickstart install of CentOS 8 wants files that don't exist on DVD

I'm trying to use the CentOS-8-x86_64-1905-dvd1.iso as the http source for my PXE/kickstart install. I'm struggling to understand why the installer is looking of squashfs.img and a directory named LiveOS, neither of which exist in the above iso…
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