Questions tagged [smb-conf]

42 questions
1 answer

Linux samba server: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -12

Server: RHEL 5.9 / smbd 3.0.33 - Clients: various, though all were using current mount.cifs (5.2) I already solved this problem, but it was such a nightmare to hunt down these error codes I felt like it needed universal documenting. Symptoms:…
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How to configure Samba to allow root user for full control to the particular share?

$(subj), it appears to be what root user is denied by default for all of the shares. I'm trying to reproduce Windows administrative share.
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SMBD daemon spikes at 100% cpu usage when Windows 8 clients connect

I have a server running Ubuntu 12.04 running as a Samba server. The file system is an XFS formatted virtual drive on an LVM pool of physical drives. I recently upgraded our clients to Windows 8 and I've noticed that there's a 6-8 second delay for…
Chris Thompson
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Samba setup to request password reset on first time login

Is it possible to setup Samba to ask for password reset when the user first logs in without the need to setup a domain controller? Would this work properly with Windows clients or with clients using Linux with file managers like Krusader or…
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Samba server not visible from Win network

Samba 3.5 on Centos 6.3 Synopsis: I set up Samba on my linux host, but none of my Win machines on the subnet can see the host name. My host name (WOLTEST) does not show up in any of the Win network lists (net view, for example). So,…
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Symlinks look like regular files on samba shares

Symlinks on my samba share aren't behaving the way I want them to – specifically, the links look like duplicate regular files to the client machine. This used to work (i.e. symlinks on the server looked like symlinks on the client), but at some…
Justin Goeres
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Synchronise Samba 4.4 passwords with the Unix password database

I run a small Samba 4.4 server, and I would like to keep the Samba password database in sync with the Unix password database. I would like the Samba password to be updated when a user changes their password with the traditional Unix passwd program.…
Kaypro II
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Mac can connect to samba via IP but not netbios name

I've setup a samba share on Centos 6. smb.conf [data] path = /data writeable = yes browseable = yes valid users = user01 create mask = 0777 create mode = 0777 directory mode = 0777 share modes = yes veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ delete veto files =…
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SELinux blocking Samba directory listing

I am running Samba on a CentOS server, and I am experiencing a problem where it allows me to connect to the server and see a share, but shows the share as an empty directory. I find this behavior strange. Here is the stanza in my smb.conf for the…
Brighid McDonnell
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4 answers

Samba log in Guest always asked

I am trying to set samba up such that: there is one shared user account that can read-only browse one dir. I have: changed security = share to security = user I have commented out guest account = nobody added a samba user & password with…
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How to disallow SMB1 and SMB2 but still allow connections from Linux smbclient and list shares using Thunar?

Running a Samba server, I guess it is a good idea to require encryption and SMB3. So I tried setting these two options in /etc/samba/smb.conf (see documentation) in the [global] section: smb encrypt = mandatory min protocol = SMB3 After a sudo…
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connect to smb share with root access

Ok, I have smb configured on my Centos 6.7 environment, I have added the user root with smbpasswd -a and when I browse to the share from my windows box I connect with the samba root user I created a password for, but I don't have linux root…
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SMB3 on centos fluctuating read/write speeds

I recently got two 10GbE cards and have been testing a SMB share from centos 6.4 with it as the SMB server. The SMB client end is a Mac and I don't seem to be maximizing the network speed because it seems to be fluctuating when I look at the System…
Barry Liu
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3 answers

Setting a custom timeout to nmblookup

As part of a batch script, I have the following command: hostname=$(nmblookup -A $ip_address | awk '$2 == "<20>" {print $1}') Which works fine from a functinality perspective, even for unresolved hosts. The problem is that when the IP address is…
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Disabling NetBIOS for Samba SMB2

I need to get a pcap for SMB2, but without using NetBIOS as a transport (Direct TCP connection). I did disable netbios on server and client. Both sides on Linux. [global] ... min protocol = SMB3 protocol = SMB3 disable netbios = yes When I…
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