Questions tagged [centos6.5]

153 questions
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iptables centos block one port and allow all

How should I build iptables rules with the following requirements? Filter traffic on port 12001 to allow tcp/udp Filter should allow only one single IP sending traffic to the port 12001. Any other IP is NOT allowed to send any traffic but ONLY for…
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Apache solr is not accessible by my server but accessible by my localhost

I have a solr installed in my server(centos 6.5).and everything works fine and my conf files exist where they should be. I try to connect to solr by help of search_api_solr module in drupal. Everything works fine on my localhost and one other host I…
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create file with sudo but have ownership as current user

I am on centos 6.5. I have a limited user. I gave the user some specific rights via sudoers. Lets say its user1. I want user1 to create a file in a directory where he has ownership. Therefore I run sudo touch test.txt Now test.txt is created with…
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Add ssh public key to group instead of users on centos 6.5

I am a newbie to linux administration. I have a box with centos 6.5 x64. Ive been configuring ssh access via public/private key. Ive been wondering if I could add the public key to a user group instead of a user (in the /home/username…
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PHP 5.3.3 wrecked up on CentOS 6.5 (32bit) after upgrade to 5.4 and downgrade to 5.3.3

please help me solve this php version problem. I had Centos 6.5 (32bit) and php 5.3.3 pre-installed on it, right before I decided to wreck it! The need to upgrade was this warning: Warning: DOMDocument::saveHTML() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1…
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Latency on appearance of files written via NFS share

I have two CentOS OS servers, one acts a NFS file server, and the other as development server. The NFS server and client are running v3 of NFS. When the client writes to a NFS share I'm seeing an odd latency issue where the the client completes it's…
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Apache returning stale content of differing sizes when file changes

I'm seeing some strange cacheing behavior with (I suspect) Apache. Whenever I change this JavaScript file, what I get in the browser is simply an old version of the file truncated or expanded to match the size of the update file. For example, if I…
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Why does this iptables config prevent munin from working?

I have created an iptables config which I thought that I understood, however it seems to be preventing munin from generating graphs and I'm not sure why. If I disable iptables, munin will generate graphs as expected. I have included my iptables…
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Backup server external backup

I have a 4TB External HDD and i converted this HDD file system as ext3 i want to know how can i take backup of backup server using this HDD i have already a 3TB HDD(with power), in that i could able to take backup which is an ntfs file system. in…
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3 answers

Upgrade php version on centos 6.5

On the current stack i hv centos 6.5 (64 bit) , PHP 5.3 available. I'm a linux new bee & need to perform php upgrade to PHP 5.5. Tried following but that returned error: wget…
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Centos 6.5 MD1 full disk space

I have almost full disk space on md1 [root@server ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md1 20G 18G 645M 97% / tmpfs 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev/shm /dev/md0 283M 33M 236M 12% /boot /dev/md2 …
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Why am I getting this 404 error trying to install postgresql 8.2 on centos 6?

Im trying to install postgresql 8.2 on centos 6 but when i add the repo for it and do a yum upgrade or try to install the package i get the following error yum upgrade Failed to set locale, defaulting to C Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining…
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Difference between target policy 18 and 24 in SELinux

I recently started to learning SELinux and I am so new on that. So I've faced an issue and I have question, I use CentOS 6.5 and I am learning SElinux via video training. Into the video training SELinux target version is 18 and mine is 24. The…
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php 5.4 not working after upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4 on centos 6.5

Before the update php 5.3.3 worked fine, now the apache offers to download php sites instead of processing them. What I did: I used the REMI repo to get php 5.4 for centos 6.5. I think that all steps have been processed normally. In…
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how to configure the internal dns?

System:centos 6.5 , bind version:bind-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6.x86_64 I must set up an internal dns , i am not geek new for network jobs so sorry for if it is an idiot question. My centos system cannot reach internet, it is working on intranet. I…
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