Questions tagged [centos6.5]

153 questions
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vagrant fails to bring up additional adapter for centos vm using virtual box provider

this is in continuation of the question asked here about host only adapter on dhcp I upgraded to vagrant 1.6.3 and the updated Vagrantfile to following setting for multiple adapters # add additional adapter for inter machine…
Anadi Misra
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3 answers

What does CentOS 6.5 netinstall text version actually install?

I just performed a install of Centos 6.5 by utilizing the netinstall. When choosing the text installer I understand that it doesn't give you custom partitioning options or allow you to customize your install. However, is there a listing to figure…
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Cannot install Perl module Authen::Libwrap

I'm getting this error when trying to install. How can I install it? Webmin depends on it. [root@ip-172-31-15-65 home]# cpan Authen::Libwrap CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20) Going to read '/root/.cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Sat, 05…
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wget and port forwarding

I have a weird problem. I can run this command just fine from various servers: wget --debug '--http-user=USER123' '--http-passwd=PASSWORD' http://GW-BOX:9091/weijhkdsvn/v9_odbc//CRONTAB.2014020 Where "GW-BOX" is the gateway to my network, USER123…
Tony B
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Virtual network interfaces starting on boot even though they are set to onboot=no , what could be the reason?

I've re-installed my main database server with CentOS 6.5 . I've configured the relevant NIC's including 3 virtual interfaces, called em2:0, em2:1 and em4:0. For some unknown reason the NetworkManager daemon was not installed by the default…
Itai Ganot
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MySQL 5.6 on CentOS 6 silently fails to start

I'm working on a fresh CentOS 6.5 install and trying to get a MySQL 5.6 server daemon running. The server is a fresh droplet on DigitalOcean's infrastructure. 512 MB size. I used the MySQL version from the MySQL Yum repository. When I try to…
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Impossible to start named on Centos

I installed bind on Centos 6.5 with yum install bind-chroot bind-utils. It's not the first time I do this and generally this works fine. But now I try this on some server and it doesn't work at all. When doing # service named start I get this…
John Smith Optional
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HBase Kerberos SaslException: GSS initiate failed (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)

I am trying to set up Kerberos authentication for HBase using this documentation and have very little progress so far. HBase 1.1.1 from Apache without any Cloudera influences. Host machine is running…
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In centos6.x kvm guest, What is the difference On the following two disk format?

I add a new virtual hard drive vdb to the KVM guest(centos6.5),like this [root@centos ~]# fdisk -l | grep vdb Disk /dev/vdb: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes Then,there are two ways to format the disk a. [root@centos ~]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb [root@centos…
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Running TOR on Centos 6

I'm the operator of the XMPP server on server runs on Centos 6. I installed TOR and configured it to provide a hidden service access to the server.It was working fine at first,but ever since an update a few months ago it started…
3 answers

How do I replace self compiled packages (php, mysql, memcahed) with yum version in centos6.5

I have at least 5 development servers (dev, QA, staging) that have php and other packages compiled from source. I would like to remove all of them and update those servers with yum packages. If I can do that via puppet or chef that will be great.…
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How can I access ActiveMQ remotely on CentOS 6.5?

I tried to use the following code: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp \ --dport 8161 -j ACCEPT -m comment \ --comment "ActiveMq Server port" Still I was unable to access it remotely. The process is running locally, ss -tulpan…
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CentOS 6.5 ssh ChrootDirectory not working

I have been trying to configure my CentOS 6.5 minimal 64 bit machine to allow SFTP users to connect and get jailed to specific folders. I can sftp in using the unix commmand: "sftp user@localhost" and move around within the restricted directory, but…
1 answer

Squid Segmentation Fault?

I'm currently fixing an issue with one of our production servers. The issue is related to squid not able to run properly. When I try to run service squid start/stop, it throws an error: 2015/03/11 14:24:11| Processing Configuration File:…
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IPMI web management on Supermicro not working: "Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0:..." and "Invalid Channel 255"

Troubleshooting an IPMI issue on a centos 6.5 server. Specifically, I am not able to set up IPMI web management due to errors when trying to work with IPMI LAN settings. I get the following error when I type ipmitool lan print: [root@]# ipmitool…
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