Questions tagged [centos6.5]

153 questions
1 answer

In centos mouse and keyboard does not work after deleting /var/cache

After deleting accidentely /var/cache in centos 6.5, restart my PC, the mouse and keyboard does not work anymore
2 answers

Don't work ssh in a VM Centos

When I tried to connect my Ubuntu 13.10 to my VM Centos 6.5 using ssh appear the message "Connection refused" or "No route to host" even than I change the port, noting change. I need to use SSH, VPN and Samba, but this IP in my VM Centos do not…
Vitor Mazuco
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1 answer

Applying firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 1 failed

I'm trying to do Port forwarding on my centOS machine. When i'm restarting iptables i'm getting the error iptables: Applying firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 1 failed [FAILED]. My iptables file is below Firewall configuration written by…
Jack Daniel
  • 103
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