Questions tagged [centos6.4]

96 questions
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Max connections limit configuration on Apache server - CentOS 6.4

We have an Apache's and a CherryPy (Python) server running on on CentOs 6.4. Yesterday the Apache server suddenly went down while the CherryPy which uses the port 8080 works fine. We are trying to sort out the problem but no luck. It seems like…
Sayed Jalil Hassan
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Zero byte files after power failure - ext4 centos 6.4

Files written within a minute of a power failure are zero bytes when the system comes back. Testing for a system that we can not guarantee will have ups backup. Centos 6.4 kernel 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64 ext4 mounted with defaults See this…
3 answers

make web portal visible on two different vlans on same interface

We have recently set up a new Aterisk pbx server based on our previous pbx (also Asterisk) which was installed by an external company. We've kept the configuration of the server the same, all we did was add db support to Asterisk, which wasn't…
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4 answers

Upgrade from php53 to php53u (epel to IUS repositories) - Centos 6.4

I want to upgrade my CentOS 6.4 server from php53 (epel repository) to php53u (ius repository). I already enabled the ius repository, but am hesitant to just play around because there are production web-sites on the server. (Because the production…
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Setup openvpn client on centos 6.4

Attempting to join a new CentOS 6.4 client to an existing OpenVPN network. Running service openvpn start gives the error: Options error: In [CMD-LINE]:1: Error opening configuration file: client.conf Use --help for more information If I use bash…
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All modules except php-mysql are installed in phpinfo

I executed all sort of yum install commands and installed all packages. [root@myip php.d]# rpm -qa | grep -i…
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Quota limit in a shared host envirionment

people! I'm studying Linux for taking the LPIC-1 exam. When studying quotas, I was wondering something: Since you can overflow a disk space creating an infinite number of 0 bytes files, setting a user quota by iNodes would be wise. However, if you…
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Slow network interaction between 2 kvm host machines

We have 2 physical machines, Host1 is a CentOS 6.4 kvm host and hosts ~7 kvm VMs all running Ubuntu 12.04 - all of this runs perfectly. Recently we've added a 2nd host system, host2, again a CentOS 6.4 kvm host with a view to running another couple…
2 answers

CloudStack installation: Error creating instance

I am a newbie to CloudStack. I installed it using Quick Install Guide on CentOS 6.4 and kvm. As my network is a LAN at my faculty and there is a DHCP and Gateway for connecting to internet, at the beginning I defined address pool of Pod and guest…
Neda S
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Problems with running a node.js application using mongoDB on a VPS running CentOS

I have registered a VPS with DirectAdmin, running CentOS and I'm using a domain which I registered from a different site. I've done the necessary configuration to make the domain display the default page of the VPS. I've also installed node.js and…
1 answer

OSSEC "unable to retrieve alerts"

I try to learn about Ossec, but, when i access to the Ossec web UI in the Main tab, Ossec shows me: "unable to retrieve alerts" I see the alerts.log file and i can read different problems. Why i can't see the alerts in the web? For more…
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How to protect Nginx from HULK DoS tool

There is a tool called HULK (Http Unbearable Load King). It's a web server denial of service tool. It is designed to generate volumes of unique and obfuscated traffic at a webserver, bypassing caching engines and therefore hitting the server's…
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Centos 6.4: Networking issue - Unresponsive network. Cannot reach any external device

I had one server that was in production suddenly become no longer responsive w.r.t network. No settings have been changed in a while, so I don't really understand why it would go wrong. It looks like a routing issue, but don't know how to progress…
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Iptables DNS Input on localhost

Currently my IPtables Input chain settings on the server are: Chain INPUT (policy DROP 6 packets, 588 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 202 20660 ACCEPT all -- lo any anywhere …
1 answer

How to set up a server without a hosting control panel

Question cannot easily be narrowed so has been removed - please delete.
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