Questions tagged [centos6.4]

96 questions
1 answer

Raid 1 or 5 for Colocation server with 5 wordpress sites, 1 CRM and 1 mail server?

I want to build colocation server with : 5 Wordpress sites with 50 view at a time (5*50 = 250) 1 CRM ASP.NET site with 50 view at a time 1 mailserver Kerio connect or MDaemon wiht 120 user *My model : - Server A - ESXi 5.1 - DELL™ PowerEdge™…
2 answers

httpd unpacking error on installing subversion and mod_dav_svn

I am unable to make subversion working on centOS 6.4. I am getting httpd unpacking error on installing mod_dav_svn. I am getting the following error. Running Transaction Installing : subversion-1.6.11-9.el6_4.x86_64 …
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1 answer

CRON to run every 15 minutes for one week?

How do I create a CRON job so that it runs every 15 minutes (24 hours a day) but for one week only and exits? Thanks!
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2 answers

Restrict access to path vi IPTables

I want to restrict access to a path via iptables - I try this one and its work on the whole site iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --algo bm --string '' -j DROP but I want to restrict access to specific folder like…
1 answer

Disabling PUT:/ and DELETE serverwide

How would I go about disabling Put:/ and DELETE methods server wide CENTOS 6.4 x86_64 ? Thanks in advance
3 answers

Allow non-root process to listen on port 80 without doing anything drastic

For reasons beyond my comprehension, GlassFish refuses to play ball with iptables. That is, with all the correct redirection rules in place, it won't receive any redirected traffic. So I'm at plan B which is to bind GlassFish to ports 80 and 443…
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