Questions tagged [cassandra]

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed key-value database cluster, designed to scale linearly when adding nodes. It provides multi-datacenter replication.

It was designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a NoSQL solution that was initially developed by Facebook and powered their Inbox Search feature until late 2010.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

209 questions
1 answer

My application server can't connect to my DB Cassandra server

I have two servers. One has PHPCassa with a small app, the second has Cassandra install. Here is the error I get: An attempt was made to connect to every server twice, but all attempts failed. The last error was: TException:TSocket: Could not…
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1 answer

Do I need to install Thrift on both my servers (Application/DB)?

Here is my situation. I have two servers. One as all my applications (PHP), the second as Cassandra DB with Solr (Solandra), and OpsCenter. I am using PHP on my application server to access my Cassandra data with PHPCassa. My question is, do I need…
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1 answer

DB Migration switching from MySQL

I currently have a massive MySQL Data but would like to move over to Cassandra nosql. How hard of a move over would this be? I've not found any examples yet on this being done. It is possible right.
3 answers

How to choose NoSQL database engine?

We have a database with following specs: 30k records, 7mb in size 20 inserts/second 1000 updates/second 1000 range selects/second, by secondary index, approx 10 rows each needs at least one secondary index needs some mechanism to expire keys if…
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How to find causes for the casandra killing frequently?

Installed the cassandra 0.8 in centos linux system with 1GB ram. Within an hour after starting the cassandra, it is dying frequently. Also, i can say java is also killing , which is necessary for running cassandra So, may i know, how to find the…
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2 answers

One ColumnFamily places data on only 3 out of 4 nodes

I have posted this on cassandra-user mailing list however didn't get any responses just yet and I was wondering whether someone here on will have any ideas. I seem to have came across rather weird (at least for me!) problem /…
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2 answers

Cassandra-cli could not connect to localhost

I have installed cassandra 1.0.1 stable binary in ubuntu server 11.10 amd64. But, when i try to connect using cassandra-cli with: [default@unknown] connect localhost/9160 The system always stuck, and return this ... Any idea? Thanks for the…
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1 answer

introduce latency between ec2 instances

I have a 2nodes Cassandra ring on ec2 (, in the same zone (east-1). How can I introduce a 3 seconds delay for all cassandra-related network communications between them? I found 'dummynet' via Google as a possible solution…
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Installing Thrift with Solandra

I am trying to install Thrift with Solandra. Normally when I just want to install Thrift with Cassandra, I followed this tutorial: But how can I do the same for Solandra? Thrift with…
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1 answer

Ubuntu: Freeing up ports?

I have tried to install cassandra on my Ubuntu test environment, but what happens when I try to start it is that I get the following error: Address already in use I have tried port 3072, 10032 and 8080 in the config, but it…
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0 answers

Is there any way to take scylla db snapshot from a remote server

We have a disk space issue. So, in order to upgrade the node , we are thinking of taking a snapshot before the upgrade of the node. So, in order to not disturb the existing disk space, is there any way to take a snapshot from the remote server?
0 answers

Quorum at Scylla. DR orchestrator

I have a strech cluster with Scylla for 2 data centers with a balancer. The principle of operation is Every_Quirum. (After reading the documentation, I came to the conclusion that all DPCs should work) When the connection between data centers is…
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CentOS-7 - Upgrade Cassandra from version 2.2.x to version 3.11.x

I have a problem with up upgrade Cassandra version from 2.2.x to 3.11.x. I don't understand why it's the same cassandra 2.2.x, but when installing with package cassandra-2.2.19-1.noarch.rpm , it can upgrade normally, while installing with package…
0 answers

scylla db service is acting as new cluster after updating the seeds in the configuraion

we have 3 nodes of scylla db cluster, in which we have added in the seeds in /etc/scylla/scylla.yaml : seeds: "172.16..6, 172.16.., 172.16..*", in this format. Later we restarted the 3rd node and we can see that nodetool status as 1st and 2nd node…
0 answers

scylla db service is not getting started in ubuntu

I have installed scylla db following the official docs steps. service is not getting started. I am not able to debug this. these are journlctl details. root@e2e-93-3:~# sudo service scylla-server start Job for scylla-server.service failed because…
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