Questions tagged [cassandra]

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed key-value database cluster, designed to scale linearly when adding nodes. It provides multi-datacenter replication.

It was designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a NoSQL solution that was initially developed by Facebook and powered their Inbox Search feature until late 2010.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

209 questions
2 answers

CentOS: OpsCenter does not see other node's agent

I'm new with Apache Cassandra. I am trying to install a little sample cluster using two CentOS server. I followed the documentation (Tarball installation) and the nodes are up. However, when I go to OpsCenter, the nodes cannot see each other's agent…
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OpsCenter doesn't display disk space

I've looked through multiple forum posts, I've turned on debug et al, and I still cannot for the life of me figure out why the disk space isn't working. ALL other information is filled--except for the disk space. On the Agent logs, I see requests…
Andrew M.
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1 answer

Opscenter 4.0.2 and Cassandra 2.0.4 with SSL and Auth : agent can't connect

I setup cassandra with inter-node SSL and client-to-server SSL and basic password auth. No problem using cqlsh or python to connect to cassandra with any certificate as certificate_validation is disabled. My opscenter cluster config is…
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2 answers

Cannot start cassandra: numactl: execution in CentOS 6

I trying to install Datastax Apache Cassandra with OpenJDK # java -version java version "1.7.0_51" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u51-b02) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode) # mkdir -p /var/log/cassandra…
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Cassandra native port 9042 slow on ec2 while 9160 is fine

I have a 5 node Cassandra cluster set up on EC2, all in the same region. If I connect over cqlsh (9160), queries respond in under a second. When I connect via Dev Center, or using the native Java Driver, both of which use port 9042, the queries…
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What does Opscenter's 'Write Requests' count shown as ops/sec exactly mean?

I have started understanding and working with cassandra recently. I have created two Column Families. For CF1, a write is an insert into a unique row with all column values. Eg: Sequence of insert operations could be like this : Key Col1 Col2…
Arun K
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3 answers

DataStax Opscenter Agent can't connect: "Unable to locate cassandra.yaml configuration file"

I have installed Datastax Community Edition v2.0.3 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter machine. After a vanilla install, I can't connect to the database with OpsCenter because the agent failed to start: it says "0 of 1 agents connected" in the…
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1 answer

Datastax OpsCenter 3.1.1 Agent JMX Authentication Error

I am using opscenter 3.1.1 and just enabled JMX username/password authentication on my Cassandra cluster. I think I've updated all my opscenter configs correctly to force the agents to use JMX auth, but it is not working. I've updated the config…
1 answer

0 connected nodes in datastax opscenter

Installed opscenterd on the separate node outside of the cluster, but within firewall ( aws security group ). Tested all possible ports between agents and opcenter server. No errors in the log.. 2013-10-30 01:07:23+0000 [FC_Cluster] INFO:…
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1 answer

Trying to install datastax opscenter - Failed to load application: cannot import name _parse

I'm not familiar with python, maybe someone could explain what's going on here? ec2-user@prod-opscenter-01:~ % java -version java version "1.7.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build…
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1 answer

Install DataStax Ops Center EC2

DataStax Ops Center EC2 multi region setup, with 2 nodes in us-east-1 and 2 in us-west-1 Ops center is installed on a separate ec2 instance, and can see the cluster, but I cannot get the agents installed. Looking at one instance, in…
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Rsyncable Snappy?

I have some massive Cassandra clusters that I'm maintaining on EC2. Backups offsite take a long time as the snapshots have to be tar-ed and gzip-ed and pushed over the network from the EC2 instance to EBS. My question is whether we can decrease…
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1 answer

Is Elastic Workload Re-provisioning still possible with DataStax Enterprise 3.1?

In the documentation of DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 2.0 there is a chapter about "Elastic Workload Re-provisioning" ( but it the DSE 3.1 documentation this part is missing. Is…
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1 answer

Connecting to Cassandra Cluster

I'm just getting started with Cassandra and had a few questions. I'm going to be deploying a 4 node cluster on AWS as per the DataStax documentation ( Once I have this 4…
2 answers

Opening ports in EC2

I have an ec2 instance. I have opened a port in the security group for cassandra (9160) and have cassandra listening on it. If I use nmap on the instance, that port does not show up, and I cannot connect to the cassandra node remotely via…