Questions tagged [automation]

the field of converting any manual process into one that can be run mostly, or entirely, "hands-free"

Automation is a wide-ranging term, covering topics from cron to "push-button provisioning and deployment" or system and application stacks. The ultimate goal of some automation projects is the so-called "Zero-Latency Data Center", while for others it may just be sending alerts based on certain events. More information can be found here.

623 questions
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How do I secure the access token, on Linux, to remote, automated secrets stores like Hashicorp Vault?

There seems to be a bit of a "chicken and egg" problem with the passwords to the password managers like Hashicorp Vault for Linux. While researching this for some Linux servers, someone clever asked, "If we're storing all of our secrets in a…
3 answers

too many crons - too many machines !

I have the following problem: too many machines. some groups of machines share the same cron configuration, some not. sometimes, I need to add a crontab entry manually in hundreds of machines. I'm always making mistakes, which my B.O.S.S doesn't…
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3 answers

cron task problem

I have a cron task as 6,36 * * * * python /usr/local/ >> /var/log/newlog it is supposed to run at every 6th and 36th minute of each hour. But for some how the system runs this task 4 processes/times each time. This task is to update…
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1 answer

Automatically assign elastic IP to ec2 spot instance with user data script

Is it possible to automatically assign an Elastic IP address to a spot instance that has a persistent spot request using the 'Advanced' 'User Data' script box? I'm thinking that I could craft a script like... #!/bin/bash # Credentials export…
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3 answers

Protocol choice for Machine-to-Machine communication - level:n00b

I am building a monitoring system for an irrigation pump and the connected pipeline. So far I have completed the sensor network. Everything connects to a micro-controller board (actually 4 Teensy 3.0 boards) and the board is programmed to output a…
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Run specific script after every Windows Update

Is there a way to run a specific script each time Windows update completes (i.e., after reboot or after an update that doesn't require a reboot)? My application is suffering from MSCOMCTL.OCX updates, and it seems that every time Windows Update…
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2 answers

Windows Update for numerous powered-down Virtual Machines

Before I dive into the question asking, let me give some background on the question. I have a VM project I am working on. Sales reps at my company need to have VMs of different configurations to demo our software on. We don't want a VM server, but a…
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2 answers

Software for automating Windows GUI applications

I am looking for software that will allow me to automate some GUI tasks, including clicking on buttons and sending keystrokes to a GUI application running in the foreground. Are there any recommendations? Requirements: Scriptable - I need the…
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How To Shutdown Ubuntu Automatically X Minutes After Starting Up?

How would one automatically shutdown an ubuntu OS 30 minutes after it was turned on? Or 15 minutes after it was turned on? Etc? I tried creating an init.d script like so: shutdown -h +5 But my box does not shut down after 5 minutes.
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3 answers

Post-install steps for a new Linux instance, and how to automate them

What post-install steps do you find yourself taking every time you install a new Linux server or VM ? I'm interested in things that could apply regardless of what use the server is to be put to, especially those that can save time down the line,…
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4 answers

Automated software testing on real hardware

I'm currently working on a small testing farm at work and especially the part of resetting the machines after a test was run gives me some headaches. Before we decided to get a couple of dedicated test machines with different hardware configurations…
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1 answer

dpkg-reconfigure: dialog frontend sets up postfix successfully; non-interactive frontend fails

(N.B. In this question, a leading # indicates a root prompt, not a comment. Also, I have replaced the actual hostname with .) As the debconf (7) man-page states, dpkg-reconfigure can be invoked with any one of several front-ends,…
4 answers

Selenium ChromeDriver makes blank screenshots

In jenkins taken screenshots are blank or invalid like in example here: Maybe someone knows what kind problem could be with it? Locally everything works fine WebDriver.ChromeDriver.win32 version - 2.30.0 Selenium.WebDriver version - 3.4.0 Code: …
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Jenkins 2.x disable initial admin setup

we're using Jenkins as a cron server adding/starting crons via api. We created a vagrant box installing the jenkins. Since version 2.0 jenkins require to create an admin account (link) before disable the security in config.xml. If no admin is…
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1 answer

How to automate RFC2307 attributes in Active Directory?

How do you automate the population and management of RFC2307 attributes in Active Directory in a scalable and reliable manner now that SFU and IdMU is considered deprecated by Microsoft and won't be available in Server 2016? My goal is to have…
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