Questions tagged [automation]

the field of converting any manual process into one that can be run mostly, or entirely, "hands-free"

Automation is a wide-ranging term, covering topics from cron to "push-button provisioning and deployment" or system and application stacks. The ultimate goal of some automation projects is the so-called "Zero-Latency Data Center", while for others it may just be sending alerts based on certain events. More information can be found here.

623 questions
1 answer

Automation Software

I work at a company that has big amount of VMs and Physical servers and we are constantly upgrading them, by installing different packages and adding new services. We were thinking of buying a software with which we can automate this process despite…
1 answer

How can i set new domains to respond to my server

I would like to create a page for new clients in my hosting. When someone register a domain, sometimes that person don't have a dns, or the hosting didn't created the account. So the page will not respond. Is there any way to set in my primary…
2 answers

Open source app to manage and run commands on cloud servers?

I'm creating a SaaS platform, and I need a component / library that can create, delete and store the connection details for cloud servers. It also needs to support executing shell commands on these servers and returning the response to the caller. I…
Mark Theunissen
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3 answers

How can I package up a Linux installation into an .iso so I can install elsewhere?

I want to be able to install a base server (CentOS) and configure with some custom apps, then package that into an image file. I'll then use that image file to install duplicate servers. How can I do this? Post-close edit: It appears that people…
James T
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1 answer

etckeeper user and system diffs

I'm looking for a way to keep user and system-made changes to /etc using etckeeper seperate automatically. Basically different commits for user and system. I'm sure many other sysadmins could benefit from this too. To clarify, each server has…
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cron - How many times the cron job will run when given aterisk(*) on all positions

If we define a cron job with * * * * * /some/task/to/perform, how many times the job will executed in 60 seconds?
1 answer

How do production web applications make backups?

So, I'm almost finished building my first major production web app, and am wondering how to manage the backup protocol. Cold backups via my hosting control panel seem ideal - but daily downtime sounds awful for UX. Hot backups seem pointless as they…
harry young
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1 answer

Automatic repair software

Do anyone knows any kind of apps or services for "taking care of servers"? (besides managed servers) There are hundreds of ways your server or application can stop working properly. Small things are easy to miss but usually easy to fix. Log…
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