Questions tagged [apache2]

The Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular Open Source Web server. This tag should be used for general questions about Apache HTTPd.

Although there is large degree of commonality between the different versions in the 2.x branches, please consider using the Apache-2.2 or Apache-2.4 tags instead for more specific Apache HTTP Server related questions.

Documentation for all major versions is both comprehensive and has a high degree of accuracy.

1650 questions
2 answers

How do I distribute HTTP traffic to the closest server?

This is kind of a two part question. So I have a DigitalOcean Droplet in Toronto with a lamp stack on it (with a website of course). I want to be create a snapshot of that droplet and deploy a clone in perhaps San Francisco and Amsterdam. How do i…
3 answers

Apache RewriteMap with URLs containing space doesn't work

I am actually using a RewriteMap directive inside my vhost to redirect a list of 800 URLs. It works quiet well: RewriteEngine On RewriteMap redirects dbm=db:/data/apps/project/current/configuration/etc/httpd/conf/redirects.db RewriteCond…
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3 answers

apache multiviews, how to disable it

I have a OS X Snow Leropard Server running and I want to disable multivewis from Apache. I could add Options -MultiViews to each .htacces file I have, but I guess there must be a global option. Disabling renders all pages useless…
Sorin Buturugeanu
0 answers

Sudden and sporadic errors from mod_proxy

[Edit, addition]: Looks like this could be caused by an attack attempt. But not sure how it can be avoided? I have an Ubuntu server with apache2. mod_proxy is forwarding requests to a…
2 answers

Can I use apache2 and memcache in same server?

I am really new to server development. I have a server (Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)) for Django and it's running on apache2. I want to use Memcache for a large queryset. I just wanna use the following Django future: CACHES = { …
Murat Demir
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3 answers

Apache: Return static string for location

For a .well-known path, I want to return a static JSON file/string. With nginx, this seems to be possible without creating that file by specifying the content in the configuration file: location /.well-known/foo { return 200 '{"foo": "bar"}'; …
1 answer

Improving apache2 security

I have been analyzing my server logs for a week and I found bad intentioned requests, and I want to know if is possible to protect it, because I have no clue about what I should to, the only idea I got is creating an .htaccess rule to block certain…
0 answers

Apache/PHP: Internal server error. Untraceable! How is that even possible?

I have a Nextcloud server running NextCloudPi (NCP) on a Raspberry Pi 3. NCP is Raspbian/Apache2/PHP/MariaDB stack so to speak. It's run reliably for years. But recently my Nextcloud died! All it does on a page load is report: Internal Server…
1 answer

How can I disable TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 cipher in Apache2?

In SSL labs, I got that I'm using this "weak cipher": TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 Now in Apache, this is the set of suites I have enabled: SSLCipherSuite…
The Quantum Physicist
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1 answer

Lightsail instance requests time out with domain name but work with IP address

I'm attempting to create a BookStack site on an Amazon Lightsail instance. I'm having an issue where my static public IP address attached to my Lightsail instance will go to my site just fine, from any browser or computer. However, my domain address…
2 answers

Changing default Apache log permissions

For some development servers, I want to make all the Apache log files accessible via the web so developers can more easily debug. I've figured out how to modify the Apache site config to make the default /var/log/apache2 directory accessible, but…
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1 answer

How to retain domain name in url - Configuring Virtual host in apache 2 with aws linux instance

I'm trying to configure virtual host in apache2 in ubuntu instance hosted with aws and successfully redirected the requests to the appropriate website. Further clicking on the links on the index page changes the url in the browser to…
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1 answer

RewriteCond: check is %{HTTP_REFERER} include or equals %{REQUEST_URI}

Is there a way to check using RewriteCond whether the Referer includes the requested URI or... RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} == '' + %{REQUEST_URI} ... ? I need to catch whether the surfer clicked a link on the page which links to the same…
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2 answers

Google Cloud Compute Instance

I am hosting a website with apache on Google Cloud Platform and I wasn't sure if I should enable the ufw. Does google have a firewall already enabled on their Google Cloud Compute Instances? Thanks!
1 answer

Apache Start Fails due to missing mpm module

I originally posted this question on StackOverflow. Before it was taken down as off topic, the answer and comments were leading to MPM not being loaded I tried sudo apt-get install apache-mpm-prefork but was given the error: E: Unable to locate…
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