Questions tagged [apache-mesos]

Apache Mesos abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively.

Mesos is built using the same principles as the Linux kernel, only at a different level of abstraction. The Mesos kernel runs on every machine and provides applications (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Elastic Search) with APIs for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments.

Project Features

  • Scalability to 10,000s of nodes
  • Fault-tolerant replicated master and slaves using ZooKeeper
  • Support for Docker containers
  • Native isolation between tasks with Linux Containers
  • Multi-resource scheduling (memory, CPU, disk, and ports)
  • Java, Python and C++ APIs for developing new parallel applications
  • Web UI for viewing cluster state

See the project page for more details.

33 questions
1 answer

Define marathon services listening interface

I have a mesos install with 3 VPS. I use a virtual private network for internal networking. Everytime marathon starts and bind a service to a new port, it binds it to No matter if I had a http(s) load balancy security in front, every user…
Dimitri Kopriwa
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2 answers

Why are the mesos binaries having an "in" extension

I just downloaded mesos from the apache repo. Here is the bin directory: $ ll bin total 92 -rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack 1769 Jul 17 23:14 -rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack 1769 Jul 17 23:14 -rw-r--r--. 1…
2 answers

Server utilization and how to deal with datacenter failure

New technologies like Docker, Mesos, Kubernetes etc. allow much better server utilisation in an organisation. However, I'd like to know how utilisation can be maximised across two datacenters, taking into account the failure of an entire…
1 answer

How can I create a small cluster and include non dedicated servers?

We want to set up a small cluster, witch will store some databases and testing services at first. The cluster will initially launched on 8 dedicated servers (HP G3/G5). 6 of the servers in in the same rack, and two of them is on individual separate…
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1 answer

Mesos kills container when requests increase

I deploy Docker containers on Mesos(0.21) and Marathon(0.7.6) on Google Cloud Engine (Ubuntu 14.04). I use JMeter to test a REST service that run on Marathon. When the concurrent requests are less than 10, it works normal, but when the concurrent…
2 answers

Apache Mesos Vs. Apache CloudStack

Managing the infrastructure (private cloud or public cloud) at scale and ease is addressed by Apache Mesos, Apache CloudStack and OpenStack. What is the major difference between Mesos and CloudStack/OpenStack? (PS: Please pardon me for not adding…
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1 answer

running mesos-master in docker container - cannot see containers IP from other hosts

I have a question. I am running mesos-master as docker container. When I start it, it writes its IP to zookeeper, so any slave running on same host can connect to mesos master. Mesos-master is not accessible from any other host. Mesos-master port is…
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0 answers

Block incoming Traffic thru external interface to docker containers on DC/OS(Mesos) slaves

I have an DC/OS(Mesos) slave which runs few docker containers with random ports exposed. The server has two interfaces eth0 and eth1. I want to block all incomming traffic through eth0 to docker containers using iptables. The exposed ports must be…
Sachin PK
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1 answer

SSH into DCOS master on Azure asks for password

I just set up a DC/OS cluster on Azure. I basically just followed the instructions from the Install Guide. So far so good, everything works as expected. Terraform config used to install DC/OS: variable "dcos_install_mode" { description =…
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0 answers

Going the colocation route - Thoughts or suggestions on plan?

We currently host around 200 customers website with cpanel at a datacenter we rent dedicated servers from. We also host two sites that do around 5 to 6m unique a day, which is distributed across 3 servers. Outside of that, we have 2 nameservers and…
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1 answer

Docker installation inside a google compute engine instance for installing a dcos cluster

I have been working on an ansible script for installing a DCOS mesos cluster. I have been following the steps in the advanced installation section of the documentation of DCOS inside my ansible script. I get the following when my ansible script runs…
1 answer

Apache Mesos Master on every node

Is it good idea to launch mesos master and mesos slave together on every node? If no, how to calc number of master nodes?
Alex Ushakov
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1 answer

How to access Mesos DNS running on VM from host

I have a host machine (Mac OS X 10.11.1) running virtual machines through vagrant. I installed Mesos DNS on one of the nodes, and modified resolv.conf on other cluster nodes, so I can successfully use the DNS from any node. But the question is how…
1 answer

Apache Mesos starts once, but once I shut it down it won't restart

I have a build of Apache Mesos done on a redhat 6.6 machine. It's installed to a directory I'll call $INST. I set up $INST/etc/masters and $INST/etc/slaves to have the masters and slaves' hostnames, then set up $INST/etc/ like…
1 answer

how many listen directives (mode tcp) i can have in haproxy?

how many listen directives is too many for haproxy configuration on a single node? What are the most important resources to monitor? is 50 times the listen qwerty213 bind *:9124 mode tcp option tcplog balance leastconn server zxcv…