Questions tagged [anaconda]

System installation program used by Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and others. Closely related to kickstart.

68 questions
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pass an anaconda boot option to a kickstart file in rhel7 initial install

Is there a way to pass an anaconda boot option to a kickstart file, where it could be used as a variable. Say anaconda boot cmd is xxxx netmask= ksdevice=b ks= I wanted to know if there was a way…
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Creating a script for Kickstarting servers; issue with created softraid 1 server based on CentOS 7

First off; I am sorry if my title is incorrect, but I didn't want to "clutter" it too much. I am creating a bash script which is used to install various servers based on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 with hardware raid and software RAID 1. So far I am doing…
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Install third-party C++ involved python library on google cloud app engine

I have a python web app deploying on GCP App engine. The App engine installs required python packages from pip, and it can install pure python source codes according to…
0 answers

Networking configuration during Kickstart

We have recently run into an issue where ipconfig is no longer able to pick up networking during the post install portion of our anaconda kickstart file. This is preventing our boxes from installing puppet and they have to be manually tweaked when…
Husk Rekoms
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How can I configure anaconda kickstart to assure its installs all updates from start?

I am using anaconda kickstart installer to provision fedora 28 baremetals but I found that by default i does not install all updates. I do want to avoid having to run a an yum -q -y update during the %post phase an find a way in which the initial…
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How to make rpm install from user avoid curl SSL errors?

I am trying install a RPM from an url directly from anaconda kickstart (CentOS7) %post phase but I encountered an interesting error: ``` + rpm -Uvh curl: (60) Peer's certificate…
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Install packages from internet for VPC with no outside access

Have a VPC with a private subnet. Inside the VPC, am looking to update latest Anaconda packages using Conda which involves downloading the latest updates from internet. Since my VPC has no internet access, what is the recommended approach.
John C
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kickstart %include can't open file

I want to break out my kickstart user definitions into a separate file. Trying to pull that file in with %include, I get an error that breaks the install: Unable to open input kickstart file: curl#37 - "Couldn't open file …
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How to use Anaconda Python as CGI handler

I am setting up a simple web site that has a Python CGI script. Everything is working as long as I have selinux set in permissive mode. The issue is that I am using Anaconda and the SELinux context is all wrong. What is really annoying is that I…
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kickstart device location changes (enumeration order)

I've built an unattended USB installer which installs Centos and our Application binaries. However, anaconda (?) puts the USB device after the hard drives - so servers with two drives, the USB is sdc; three HDDs, sdd etc. Our servers come in a…
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Anaconda kickstart install from local repo?

Right now we use Anaconda to create kickstart files. Everything works great but during the Centos install it throws an error that a package is missing. Our solution so far has been to mount disk 2 and hit retry. I want to fix this so that there…
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CentOS 7.0 1406 installation fails on NetworkManager time out

Installing CentOS 7 on Supermicro SYS-6027TR-HTRF. The installer stops at: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.NetworkManager timed…
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Setup kickstart boot for all installation media types (cd and usb-flash)

I created own custom CentOS iso. I used mkisofs make it. This is part of my isolinux.cfg file: label vesa menu label Install ^RAIDIX system kernel vmlinuz append initrd=initrd.img xdriver=vesa nomodeset text linux…
Aleksandr Makhov
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Have Kickstart generate a root password based on boot menu input

Is there a way to have kickstart generate root password based on boot menu input? For example if boot menu is: LABEL TEST_BOOT KERNEL mykernel APPEND -c test.cfg ks=file://kickstart.cfg SET_PASSWORD=use_option_A The SET_PW in the menu line…
0 answers

PYTHONPATH with limited access directories and shared Anaconda installation

We have a shared Anaconda install on a Windows 2016 server where users have varied access rights. We set PYTHONPATH to point a network drive (P:/code) to enable the import of custom modules. When a user who does not have access to P:/code attempts…