I've built an unattended USB installer which installs Centos and our Application binaries. However, anaconda (?) puts the USB device after the hard drives - so servers with two drives, the USB is sdc; three HDDs, sdd etc.
Our servers come in a variety of configurations, with anywhere between 1 and 20 HDDs (or RAID partitions which show up as devices).
Is there any way to avoid having N syslinux menu entries (specifying ks=sdb, ks=sdc, ks=sdd etc) and having N ks.cfg files (specifying "harddrive --partition=sdc1", "harddrive --partition=sdd1", "harddrive --partition=sde1" etc) ??
Modifying the initrd as suggested here is inflexible.
Is there any way to solve this with labels and/or UUIDs?