Questions tagged [amazon-linux-2]

49 questions
2 answers

Open SSL throwing unknown option '-n' in Amazon Linux2 instance

My code throws error when it reaches this line: {% set encrypted_password = salt['']('openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -a -salt -md md5 -in <(echo -n "' + ssm_plaintext_password +'") -pass pass:'+random_password) %} Error: [ERROR ] Command…
1 answer

Unable to access console or SSH on Amazon Linux 2 KVM image

I am trying to create a KVM guest instance running Amazon Linux 2 in an on-premises environment, on a CentOS 7 host. I am doing this over SSH (e.g. my local machine -> SSH to the CentOS host). I know my hypervisor setup works, as using the following…
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0 answers

Locked of Server, how to run sudo passwordless

Here is the issue Created a new server with Amazon Linux 2 Removed ssh-key from default root user (ec2-user) Created two new accounts with sudo access without a password Now I got locked out of the root access in this server, anytime I run a…
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1 answer

Why are some of my Secondary IPs missing after a YUM update on Amazon Liunx 2

On Sunday, I did a Yum Update on my Amazon Linux 2 instance (a T2.Medium) and after the update only 2 IP addresses per interface were working. Before the update I had 6 IPs per interface. It looks like either the kernel update or the ec2-net-utils…
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