Questions tagged [amazon-instance-store]

Instance store is the local disk on AWS EC2 instances.

Instance store is temporary block-level storage provided to most AWS EC2 instances. These local disks are ephemeral e.g. data is kept while the instance is running and will survive a reboot, but if the instance is stopped, terminated or failed the data on the disk will be lost.

Official Documentation:

23 questions
2 answers

On EC2 Windows Server 2016, automatically mount instance storage when restarting the instance

I have an AWS EC2 instance based on an Amazon-provided AMI for Microsoft Windows Server 2016. I want to use the ephemeral Instance Storage. When I Start the instance, I can login and use the Window's Disk Management tool to mount my Instance Storage…
1 answer

Why is "Bundle Instance" disabled for EC2 instance running Ubuntu 12.04?

I have an instance store (not EBS) based EC2 instance, launched from an official Ubuntu 12.04 AMI (specifically ami-25e8d351: eu-west-1, 32-bit, instance root store). It is up and running, and I've made some changes to it (installed software;…
1 answer

EC2 Ubuntu 12.04 m1.large ami isn't showing extra drives for full 850GB Instance Storage

long time lurker, I just launched a new m1.large instance on EC2 and I need all the available instance storage on the machine(850GB) for data processing. I understand that generally all of the memory doesn't come mounted and you have to stitch a…
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Is AWS i3.2xlarge limited to 10K IOPS?

I'm using an AWS i3.2xlarge EC2 instance and facing a limit of 10K IOPS. I wonder why that is? I only write on the NVMe instance storage. No matter what I do I can't pass that limit. I thought that I3 class instance could go way above that? Is…
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1 answer

Create Windows AMI with instance storage

I have a business use case and workflow where local/instance/ephemeral storage for an EC2 instance is ideal. Unfortunately I'm coupled to a Windows platform for this particular task and the EC2 Windows offering appears to have some deficiencies…
Jonathan Oliver
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3 answers

Amazon EBS store vs Instance Store with Termination turned off?

What's the difference between the two? It seems as if using an instance store the root drive is ephemeral and EBS isn't in the event of a termination. But, if you're not terminating does it matter? Could someone compare EBS with instance-store and…
Evan Carroll
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1 answer

Unable to boot a customized HVM AMI on EC2

I am trying to customize an existing Debian Jessie HVM AMI(ami-116d857a) and store it as my private AMI. Though the AMI creation process succeeds, I am unable to boot from it. The instance shows started but I am not able to connect via ssh and…
1 answer

Packer with amazon-ebs VS amazon-instance

I am looking into using Packer to generate some of our VMs, and I have been working thorough the example here. When I try to run the packer build command I get the following error: ==> amazon-ebs: Error launching source instance: The specified…
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0 answers

customize instance store Centos7 AMI

I am attempting to customize a base instance-store Centos7 AMI. Image I am using is: RightImage_CentOS_7.0_x64_v14.1.4_HVM - ami-d34b02e3 (instance store hvm) I start the instance, I customize it, I install the needed tools, do everything that is…
2 answers

AWS Create Image Volume Type

When creating an image (EC2 --> Actions --> Image --> Create) there is a Volume Type input with options for Magnetic, General Purpose or Provisioned IOPS. I'm not sure why it's necessary to ask this here since I'd thought that, when it's time to…
2 answers

EC2 Attach Instance Store on Start

I'm lunching an instance to host a Cassandra node and i'm testing some shutdown and startup scripts. The instance was lunched from the datastax PV AMI 'ami-8932ccfe'. I added 8GB of SSD EBS storage for root and launched it. On initial startup the…
Alexei Blue
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3 answers

Resize Root Partition on Instance-Store EC2 Instance

I recently ran out of space on a c1.medium EC2 instance store root partition. I did some cleaning and freed some space, but I still want to resize the partition. In fact, I would prefer to remove the /dev/xvda2 partition and allocate all free…
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1 answer

AWS EC2 deleted but still shows current usage

I am using AWS EC2 free tier now. I deleted EC2 instances but my billing dashboard shows current usage space is 11 GB-MO. Here is my billing dashboard image. And here is EC2 dashboard. Can any one help me how to clean instance? Thank you
1 answer

EC2 - Persist instance store swap volume after stop/start

I have an EC2 instance for which I want to configure a swap instance volume. I can do this relatively easily, by launching the instance with the instance store volume attached, and then running the following commands... $ sudo mkswap /dev/xvdb $…
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AWS c1.medium instance store - locked out by saving authorized_keys on full disk

When adding a public key to /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys, it appears the file was wiped empty because the disk was full. Unfortunately the person I talked through this process logged out and we don't have any password to access this root…
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