Questions tagged [amazon-instance-store]

Instance store is the local disk on AWS EC2 instances.

Instance store is temporary block-level storage provided to most AWS EC2 instances. These local disks are ephemeral e.g. data is kept while the instance is running and will survive a reboot, but if the instance is stopped, terminated or failed the data on the disk will be lost.

Official Documentation:

23 questions
0 answers

Instance store backed EC2 instance cannot boot

Approximately 3 years ago my boss had another company setup our AWS services. This company used an instance-store backed AMI and unfortunately i cannot launch any new instances from it (the AMI) as it will not boot. The problem appears to be that it…
3 answers

How to tell if disk volume is instance store or EBS?

I have a number of volumes (same size) attached to a Windows instance in Amazon AWS. One of them is told to be an instance store. How do I tell which one? PS. testing the speed did not help, one of the drives IS slightly faster than the others but…
1 answer

How do I find and mount instance storage on my EBS backed EC2 instance?

I'm running an m1.xlarge EC2 instance. According to EC2 specs, it should come with 4 x 420GB instance stores. When I SSH into my new machine, I don't see any of these drives. All I see are my EBS volumes: $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail…
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2 answers

How do i get my keypair name, private keyfile and certificate file in AWS?

So following my last question about EBS and Instance store I found this on Amazon, I'm up to "To upload your Amazon EC2 private key and X.509 certificate" and i cant…
3 answers

How do I set up AWS instance store?

Firstly, although knowing about AWS for a long time, this is the first time i've ever used it. I gather that EBS volumes are for persistent data storage and instance store volumes are for one time use. I'm using the instances for data mining so they…
1 answer

Amazon instance store is restartable?

I am running an instance backed by instance store, I know If I stop the instance it will be no longer available but can I restart that instance? I can see an option on amazon console when I right click on the Amazon instance store but I am not sure…
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AWS t3.medium web traffic

I have a ecommerce website running on t3.medium instance. Is there a way to find out how much web traffic can be handled by same in numbers? So if our web traffic increases do we need to buy another server? Thank you.
1 answer

Automatically Updating AMI using FTP

I am using AWS and have setup and Instance for my site. I have then created an AMI for this instance and setup load balancing to spin up additional instances when the CPU process gets to 60%+ which is working fine. I want to update the website but…