Questions tagged [amazon-elastic-ip]

AWS Elastic IP addresses (EIP) allow the assignment of public static IPv4 addresses to resources, generally EC2 instances. An EIP can be remapped quickly, which allows the user to mask the failure of instances or software.

An Elastic IP Address (EIP) is a public static IPv4 address, which is reachable from the Internet. You can associate an Elastic IP address with your EC2 instance to enable communication with the Internet; for example, to connect to your instance from your local computer.

Elastic IPs provide resource mobility within a single VPC within a single AWS region, assisting with architecting fault tolerant applications. An unallocated EIP incurs charges.

Questions specifically dealing with AWS' Elastic IP should use this tag.

148 questions
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Amazon EC2 - Provides a dedicated IP?

I'm thinking of using Elastic Beanstalk (which uses EC2). Will I receive a dedicated IP address? Is an Elastic IP a dedicated IP? I do not want to share an IP with other people.
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Need an interface for an Elastic IP (DRBD & EC2)

We are trying to mirror a volumes over a geographical zone using DRBD (and Ubuntu 11.10). We are using elastic IP's - however there is no local interface for Elastic IP's - only an interface for a local IP. Thus, DRBD will not work as it needs an…
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Is my hosting company using Amazon EC2?

I have a few clients who I host websites for. Right now I am using a web hosting reseller package to do this, but have been considering moving to Amazon EC2. The only problem is the clients need unique IP addresses because they need their own SSL…
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3 answers

What is the best practise for assigning an EC2 EIP after starting an instance?

I would like to auto-assign an EIP to an instance when it is started. I know I can write a script to stop/start the instance and assign the EIP I want using the EC2 tools, but that depends on me stopping/starting the server. In the case of an EC2…
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Perisistent EC2 IP association even after instance stop/start

I have a single EC2 instance and a single Elastic IP. After the instance is stoped and then re-started, the association between the instance and the IP is lost and I have to manually re-associate. Is there a way either through the AWS Management…
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4 answers

Zero-downtime availability in a web-serving frontend on EC2?

We have a web application with low load but high availability requirements. It consists of a single front-end load balancer and a couple back-end servers. The load balancer is there primarily for masking failures, not for spreading load. The…
2 answers

How to set IP address of Amazon EC2 instance to its Elastic IP?

I have an Amazon EC2 instance running and I am installing a program on it that needs to know what the machine's IP address is. Can I set the Elastic IP address to the IP address within the EC2 instance? Its okay if it reroutes data packets somewhere…
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Cannot SSH to second network interface in Ubuntu 20.04 on EC2

I have a VPC with an Internet gateway and two subnets and in the same availability zone. A single security group allows tcp/22 inbound from and everything outbound. I also have two network…
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Trying to allocate elastic ip address leads to Not Found error

I have recently created a new AWS account for deploying some microservices my company uses on here. Our old account was destroyed. The issue is some old component uses a elastic IP that resolved to a box on our old account. I am unable to reclaim…
2 answers

AWS bring your own IP

I am a newbie to AWS. I understand there is a feature to move our own IP addresses onto AWS. So, any existing IP based restrictions don't have to change. I have a need for a new service to be deployed onto AWS (corporate account). And this new…
2 answers

Releasing Elastic IP on EC2 had Cloudfront stop working

I had reached the limit of Elastic IP allocations in my AWS account. I have an Elastic Beanstalk app that is being served over Cloudfront. I thought since the app's CNAME was mapped to Cloudfront's CNAME, releasing the Elastic IP of the ec2 instance…
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Configuring domain name to point to AWS

I'm trying to get a website I have hosted on AWS working with my domain I have the following records: A Record: host=@ value= A Record: host=www value= CNAME Record: host=@…
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how to verify AWS instance have static IP or Not

I have set up one AWS windows instance. As per my requirement, I need static IP. So I set up one elastic IP and assign those IP to Windows instance. My problem is I'm not able to verify that elastic IP is assigned to Windows instance or not. Any way…
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Migrate AWS EIP across VPC

I am creating a new VPC in our AWS account because the local CIDR has to change to support VPC cross region peering. I have public EIP's that I need to migrate over to the new VPC. Is it possible to migrate existing public EIP's from one VPC to…
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Not able to connect to ec2 instance after associating elastic ip to it and adding proper security group

I have installed wordpress on my ubuntu16.04 LTS instance of ec2. I was able to connect to it via public DNS. But then I added the Elastic IP to the instance and tried to connect to the instance via my browser but it took a lot of time and the…