Our application is being hosted on GoDaddy (plesk). We need to enable 'php_soap' extension for our application to work. We contacted the customer support that we don't have access to php.ini file to do so but they told us that we can use .user.ini instead. We've tried doing that but .user.ini doesn't seem to enable php_soap extension when we added the line.


after testing if .user.ini works at all by changing another setting upload_max_filesize and it works. But enabling the soap extension doesn't work

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1 Answers1


Welcome to serverfault cominitutiy .!

Try to create a php.ini file and add below line :


in some case it's commented so try to uncomment .

Also you can check the server extensions with creating a info.php file , So you should create a file name


However you had to add this line to info.php file as well :


// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.


Finally you should restart web server to load extension modules

Alternative contact your provider to help you out .

Have great day future friend . ;-)

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