Questions tagged [plesk]

Off Topic Warning: Plesk control panel questions are generally considered off topic for ServerFault and more appropriately asked on


Plesk (ex: Parallels Plesk Control Panel, Plesk Server Administrator, or just Plesk) is a commercial web hosting automation program sold by Oding.

Off Topic Warning:

The majority of questions regarding the Plesk control panel are likely to be more appropriate for the Pro Webmasters Stack Exchange and will be closed here as they are not considered on-topic for ServerFault:

Questions involving web hosting control panels are off-topic at Server Fault because they customize their systems such that normal administration tools and methods no longer apply, and thus require support from the vendor or the web hosting industry. See Where can I ask questions about web hosting control panels?

There have been several discussions on regarding this policy.

100 questions
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Is DNS redirection scenario possible?

I have a question regarding DNS, assuming I have my domain register pointed to an external DNS, is it possible for me redirect it to another DNS if something isn't found. I am asking because of ACME changing every 3 months, which I would not like to…
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ProFTPd is listening on tcp6, I cannot connect through FTP, is because I try to connect to IPv4?

My server has an IPv4 address, and I cannot connect to FTP through ftp nor filezilla. I checked the configuration and all seems correct, the firewall is not blocking ports 21 or 22 but I cannot connect due to timed out connection. Cannot connect…
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On a Windows Server, how do you prevent FTP from requiring the machine name to be included in the username?

I have a Windows server, and I'm using Plesk to manage many of the IIS and FTP settings. The server's machine name is 9WTBVY, and any FTP accounts that are created on the system cannot login unless the username is in the format 9WTBVY\username. If…
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Configure GitLab Docker container with Plesk and LetsEncrypt

Hi I have an issue with my GitLab setup. What I'm trying to achieve: running GitLab inside a Docker container access GitLab through a subdomain ( at ports 80 and 443 for https manage SSL through a wildcard certificate for…
Thomas D.
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Detect spam sending script or user

I have been hired by a customer to secure his email server to prevent spam and so. They have Plesk Onyx with Postfix as MTA. I have installed incoming spam filters (barracuda, etc...), developed a script that looks for unauthorized authentication…
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Replacing PHP with version from another repo

I made a HUGE mistake a while ago and installed/enabled the remi repo to upgrade php. This has caused issues in our CRM package. I would like to be able to return to the previously installed php from atomic. I have tried executing: yum remove…
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Disable bounce in Postfix after failed mail forwarding

I have some mailboxes in Plesk/Postfix that redirect to some external addresses. If Postfix fails to forward a message to these addresses, it bounces back to the original sender, who is a fake address most of the time. How to completely disable…
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MariaDB is not starting

I using Plesk 17 onyx on CentOS 7. I have updated my server via plesk update manager and suddenly my database server stop working. I was using MariaDB as database server. Plesk is also not working. When I tried to start, restart MariaDB, I found the…
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SSH connections getting refused after multiple connections

We have a Ubuntu 14.04 server which is running Plesk 12.5. I have an issue where SSH connections appear to get blocked, and I can't figure out why. If we do a dozen connections over a short time period (less than a minute) (all with correct…
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Downloading EXE From Web Throws 403 Forbidden nginx

I have a file uploaded to our website under a /Downloads folder, which I created. The download link, similar to: A Sample Download Link had no issues downloading up until a few weeks ago. I am not sure what changed. I now receive(d) 403 Forbidden…
Sarah Weinberger
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How plesk uses AWS for their storage?

Currently exploring the relation between Plesk and AWS As of now my AWS account showing the Memory Disk SSD Usage of 30GB of my account Where it says 40%+ of memory are being used out of 30GB and Relational Database System of AWS showing no current…
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qmail couldn't find any host named

System: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (fresh install) qmail dovecot Plesk 17 Mail configuration was done with plesk. It is not possible to send any mail to any reciepents on different domains. Log contains: qmail: 1553679224.737428 delivery 12: failure:…
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Automation to spin up EC2 Volumes (dedicated machines) for each webproject

I'm planning to set up a sort of private hosting environment for me and my webprojects and am wondering if there is a great/easy solution to spin up new ec2 volumes (always a dedicated volume/machine) for each of my webprojects fast. I'm right now…
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2 answers

HSTS: Is includeSubDomains on main domain sufficient?

In my Plesk web admin edition I just activated HSTS on my main domain www.domain.tld with add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always; The test on says that everything works fine. The problem is my…
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Should i use different ipv6 adresses for different domains

On my Plesk virtual host I get a single IPv4 address and a /64 of IPv6 addresses. When hosting multiple domains on this server, would there be any advantage to using a separate IPv6 address for each domain?
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