So I configured Dante 1.4.2 (compiled it from source on Debian 8.7 which runs on MS Azure) and followed their official configuration guide to run my SOCKS5 server. I created a firewall rule to accept incoming connection on port 1080 tcp. I used Mozilla Firefox to connect to it. It works fine when there is no authentication. However, I cannot connect when I set socksmethod: pam.username. I'm also quite sure that Dante was compiled with pam support (build: libwrap mon-data mon-disconnect pam preload sess2)

This is my /etc/sockd.conf

errorlog: /home/toto/Logs/sockd.errlog
logoutput: /home/toto/Logs/sockd.log
#debug: 1

# The listening network interface or address.
internal: eth0 port = 1080

# The proxying network interface or address.
external: eth0

#server identities (not needed on solaris)
user.privileged: root
user.notprivileged: nobody
#user.libwrap: libwrap

#reverse dns lookup
#srchost: nodnsmismatch

# client-rules determine who can connect to the internal interface.
# The default of "none" permits anonymous access.
clientmethod: none

# socks-rules determine what is proxied through the external interface.
# The default of "none" permits anonymous access.
socksmethod: pam.username

#standard client rule, accept all clients
client pass {
        from: to:
        log: connect disconnect error
        socksmethod: pam.username

#outgoing traffic, requiring pam.username authentication, as specified
#in the global socksmethod.
socks pass {
        from: to:
        command: bind connect udpassociate
        log: connect disconnect error
        socksmethod: pam.username

Socks does not seems to bind to my internal address. The log file says: failed to bind internal addresses: Address already in use The internal address is behind an NAT so that could be the problem.

If I remove bind from config it starts but throws the message: block(1): tcp/accept ]: error after reading 3 bytes in 0 seconds: client offered no acceptable authentication method , these log entries continue (each with different address) until I end the server process.

Also my /etc/pam.d/sockd

account    required     pam_nologin.so
session    required     pam_loginuid.so
session    optional     pam_keyinit.so force revoke
session    required     pam_limits.so

Thank You!

2 Answers2


It turns out to be a client issue, i.e Firefox does not know how to authenticate SOCKS5 properly. Better use a browser extension


I would check if you are sending your username and password when connecting.

client offered no acceptable authentication method

it seems nothing was sent by the client.

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