I'm using Ansible to check hosts if they need to be rebooted if the /vmlinuz
kernel doesn't resolve to uname -r
The if
condition is although always identifing a reboot even though the test machine has been rebooted and the kernel is resolving to the same kernel:
if [ $(readlink -f /vmlinuz) != /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) ]; then echo 'reboot'; else echo 'no'; fi
- name: Check for reboot hint.
shell: if [ $(readlink -f /vmlinuz) != /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) ]; then echo 'reboot'; else echo 'no'; fi
ignore_errors: true
register: reboot_hint
- name: Rebooting ...
command: shutdown -r now "Ansible kernel update applied"
async: 0
poll: 0
ignore_errors: true
when: kernelup|changed or reboot_hint.stdout.find("reboot") != -1
register: rebooting
- name: Wait for thing to reboot...
pause: seconds=45
when: rebooting|changed