Questions tagged [conditional]
54 questions
3 answers
Is there a way to check that a dictionary key is not defined in ansible task?
So in my code I have a task
- name: cool task
shell: 'touch iamnotcool.txt'
when: is not defined
and my vars looks like
stumped: yes
So when I run the task it comes back with the following error
{"failed": true, "msg": "The…

Luis F Hernandez
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1 answer
Can someone explain nginx conditional flags? (-f, -d, -e, etc)
I'm in the process of migrating from Apache to nginx and have used to migrate the rewrite rules. I'm trying to understand what the translated ones mean though and I can't find any documentation on it. Here's an…

Nathaniel Schweinberg
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2 answers
Ansible conditional statement based on other roles?
I've got the following scenario with an Ansible deployment:
hostX has the role common-mta and a few other roles
hostY has the role common-mta as well as the role package-postfix
The common-mta role copies a file (if you could have guessed, it's…

Joshua Boniface
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1 answer
How do I properly write an "or" statement in an Nginx location block?
I'm using Nginx on CentOS 7. I want to add a cache control header for files that end in a particular extension or taht contain a "/image/" string in the URL. I tried this
location / {
proxy_pass http://scale; # match the name of upstream…

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5 answers
Need to check whether you need to reboot for a kernel update?
I'm using Ansible to check hosts if they need to be rebooted if the /vmlinuz kernel doesn't resolve to uname -r.
The if condition is although always identifing a reboot even though the test machine has been rebooted and the kernel is resolving to…

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2 answers
bash if statment unexpected behavior in crontab job
Here is the script
bash --version | head -n1
if [ "$1" == "now" ]
echo if now
execut job
echo else "_"$1"_" # make sure we are not picking any spaces
if [ condition ]
execut something else

Nabil Sham
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0 answers
Unable to match expression inside If directive no matter what
I have been trying for the past 3 hours trying to match an if statement to define a variable within httpd.conf with no success:
Define test_value "A"
Define test_value "B"
I have tried:

Question Overflow
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1 answer
Apache2 conditional section based on port
I don't know much about if statements in apache configuration, and I'm wondering if I can have a section of the configuration applied only if the request is received on a certain port.
In short, this is about SSL. I have name based virtual hosts, I…

Waleed Hamra
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1 answer
Conditional blocks of code in linux bash
Nearly everybody knows very useful && and || operators, for example:
rm myf && echo "File is removed successfully" || echo "File is not removed"
I've got a question: how to put a block of commands after && or || operators without using the…

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2 answers
Apache: Set global headers only if not already set
I am having a little annoying situation here.
I have a server managed by plesk.
In the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf mod_headers and mod_expires based configuration takes place.
For example:
Header set…

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1 answer
Is it impossible to have conditional headers in Nginx?
I am currently trying to only return a set of CORS headers conditionally using Nginx. At first it seemed like a simple task, as I already had this working config:
upstream api-app {
server unix:/tmp/api-app.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {

Stefan Horning
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1 answer
Is it possible to make IfFile work on Apache 2.4.29 for Ubuntu 18.04, and if so, how?
I am wanting to conditionally load VirtualHosts depending on the existance of the appropriate key files required for SSL for that virtualhost (or failing which, have a generic certificate I can fall back to), and I've been unable to find a way to…

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1 answer
Ansible | Access multi dimensional variable for when conditional in nested loop task
I try to use a conditional when inside a task with a nested loop. Specifically first of all I want to read different states per user, register the variable after that and want to iterate over this variable in another task.
Register the variable:

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0 answers
apache conditional statements - what is the processing order?
I try to protect the access to a subdirectory by http auth using .htaccess file configuration.
This is the full working code for apache 2.4 in my case.
# Conditionally set environment variable BACKEND_PROTECTION (version for apache 2.4)

Artur Cichosz
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2 answers
Is there a way to only push routes via OpenVPN under certain conditions?
Abstract question:
In my OpenVPN client setup I'd like to set routes pushed by the server only under certain conditions.
Concrete situation:
I am using a laptop, that, when I am at the office, connects to our companys infrastructure via its gateway.…

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