I'm having issues forcing http to https. I have my certificate for my domain, my-domain.com which i added in aws certificate and then added the proper entries in my dns config (godaddy) with both my-domain.com and www.my-domain.com

After i went to the load balancer and added a listener for https using my certificate. Once that was done i went in ec2 load balancer and changed the http rule to redirect to https. When back to the dns config and added a cname for www to my beanstalk load balancer dns name.

nothing seems to work, https://my-domain.com https://www.my-domain.com http://my-domain.com http://www.my-domain.com none of these work. if i try http://www.my-domain.com i get 404 html page but if i do https://www.my-domain.com i get timeout

If i try the dns name of the load balancer in the browser i reach the server. The server on the instance (nginx) has default config from amazon, only http.

What am i missing here ?

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