I recently became aware of a problem where we had a proxy configuration issue that resulted in slow performance for users browsing websites. Most of our IT folks have a slightly different config due to the way we access dev & test environments, so we ended up getting a bunch of vague "the internet is slow!" complaints before fixing it. A few months ago we had an problem where a bug in an application killed performance on many PCs... but we had a very difficult time detecting it.
This issue is bugging me, because it was something that we totally could have addressed proactively. The issue is that we have no instrumentation to know that it usually takes 5 seconds or 5 minutes to run through tasks that our users do every day.
Does anyone out there know of a free/cheap tool that would allow us to script something like this:
- Load Internet Explorer, time the application start
- Go to google.com, time the page load
- Go to example.com, time the page load
- Close browser
I'd like to be able to have a script do something like this every 15 minutes to run develop a baseline and figure out what "slow" means for users. The internet is just one example, I'd see this being useful for in-house and other applications as well.