Oskar Duveborn


Ten year old .NET developer with a seven year history as a devop sys admin and IT-manager now doing VR game development and community management.

First game released in 2012 on Xbox 360 is due for a re-release on the Steam platform and is called Eat my Shuriken and Die!

Enjoys: virtualization, streamlining people, processes and policies, solving actual business problems with system integration and development and taming that bear to outperform even the best human dancers, creative demo parties like Easterparty.

Current challenges: Unity, VR SDKs, organizing the very best tech events, working part-time for efficiency and enjoying life

Personal hobbies: science, space, electronics, graphics, game development, UX and UI design, 3D modeling, animation, video editing, LEGO MOCs, social adventures in general and PC gaming.

Mostly active at Serverfault