Questions tagged [tracking]

126 questions
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Is using a working computer for private stuff at home safe?

Disclaimer: I'm not asking for personal advide on that topic, it's more or less out of curiosity. For context, this is set in Germany. A coworker of mine recently talked about her using the laptops (our company provides us for work) to do personal…
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Can a SIM-less smartphone be tracked only by IMEI?

If in the phone is no SIM card, connection to cell towers is at my own behest. But what about the opposite way, can the local base stations search for a specific phone through its IMEI? Question extracted from this comment by…
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Vulnerability management and assessment tracking solutions

How does your company track the vulnerability management information that happens between receiving a vulnerability scan report and remediating a vulnerability? Given the following example: Scan A detects Vuln 1 Vuln 2 Vuln 3 You decide not…
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How hard is it to suspend and track a twitter account seeking ransom from govt. organizations?

Am asking in reference to this Twitter account - DarkOverlord . It threatened to post decryption keys, for the documents pasted on pastebin (archived), and few minutes ago it did post them. Couldn't this account be closed and tracked as well…
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Is a fake address/info to an ISP/service enough to be untraceable in theory?

It got me thinking recently. Wouldn't a fake/incorrect address be enough to deter investigating/finding a criminal via cyberspace? The reason we know it's so easy to find someone is because they give their real address/info to an ISP -- so obviously…
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What information is embedded in a photo taken by camera or print screen?

I was told that it is possible to tell the coordinates where a photo was taken and the date and time it was taken. It is somehow embedded in the photo. I have three questions about this which are as follows: Where is this information stored? Can…
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Is it possible to track a SIM card even if the cell phone is turned off?

I'm wondering if it is technically possible to track a SIM card inserted in a cell phone with sufficiently charge in the battery.
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Can a school wifi track your wifi after you disconnect?

So I logged into my school wifi on my laptop, and I was just wondering: Can they still track what I do even after I disconnect? I am using my own computer (not the school's,) but is it possible that they can somehow track/monitor my activity on said…
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How can an attacker using Kali/Parrot proxychains, no Tor, no logs kept by proxy providers, be tracked down?

If an attacker uses proxy list from a US based company, investigators can use the logs to retrace the attacker's real IP address (even if the proxies are in China, logs should be kept). If the company was based elsewhere, no diplomatic relations…
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"Prey" & "Find my ____" have limited usefulness?

I've recently had an iPad stolen, and used the "Find my ____" app to try to locate it. There's also "Prey" available which does a bit more. I think there are others but I don't know any names. But it seems to me that both are useless, because the…
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Clean an iOS system of all tracking information.

Would a factory reset permenantly remove all tracking information on an iPad or an iPhone?
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Electronic store security

Iam not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. I would like to know what security features an electronic store should have besides the general alarm system monitored by a security company? Its not a big electronic store but not small,…
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How is Malware Traced to a Specific Country?

Following the WannaCry malware being traced to North Korea, how is the malware traced to a specific country? How I think this could be done: Malware is reverse engineered to find IP addresses or domains which are located in certain…
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SIM cards Trace to buyer

Hi I was wondering if a SIM card can be traced to the person you purchased it. Let's say I bought a SIM card and used it to make it look like a friend was sending messages could that card be traced right back to the original buyer?
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How To Track A Phone With No SIM

Someone stole my phone at school, and either removed or deactivated the SIM card so the location is not able to be found on my Android Device Manager. Can I track it without the SIM card myself?
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