Questions tagged [tracking]

126 questions
3 answers

What information can you get from a photo?

Often in films about the FBI, we see that from a photo it's possible know: Name and surname of the photographer City where the photo was taken Latitude and Longitude of where the photo was taken Is it just fantasy or can be possible get all this…
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Can you trace someone through picture header information?

I learned that jpg, png, bmp and most image files contain headers and plain text in them. I decided to open a jpg file in Notepad and saw a bunch of information and I was wondering if there was a way to find out the origin of the computer it came…
Edward Severinsen
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Configuring Chrome to handle ETags like Safari

ETags can be used for tracking, but I happened to notice that Safari handles them differently from Chrome (and Firefox). I believe it's non-standard because it doesn't work across domains. If we imagine the browser using a map to see if it should…
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Information Security on a lost android phone

Recently, my android mobile phone was lost/stolen. I had logged into several applications such as Facebook, Paytm, etc. Thus, there are chances that my personal/ transaction details might be leaked. I tried Google Timeline & Android Device Manager.…
Crash OR
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When is it worthwhile to pursue a hacker?

With respect to "interactive" attacks by individuals, wherein an attacker gains access to a remote system and an IP address is necessarily exposed to the target system, is it at reasonable to pursue the attacker by contacting the IP-owner's…
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Is there any need to configure DNS settings at device level when they can be easily altered at the router level? Will it increse any privacy/security?

I mean, for example, if you have configured your home router to Cloudflare's or Google's DNS settings - now, does it make any sense to alter you DNS settings -again- at the your Laptop or Mobile devices or use any WARP App? Can DNS settings be…
Seven T
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How to make google chrome completely untraceable like tor browser

I am using the following extensions on google chrome for complete privacy and to avoid tracking: VPN Extension to hide actual IP WebRTC prevent extension for disabling WebRTC What other extensions should I use? I cannot use TOR instead of VPN as…
Shashwat Kumar
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1 answer

Will VPN on a mobile device hide location?

I have installed a VPN on my phone from a reputable VPN provider (paid VPN service, publicly rated as top 10 globally), Can my phone location (longitude & latitude) still be traced by third-party apps, or will instead the VPN server location be…
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Facebook retargeting pixel

Given a commercial website and a user with a Facebook account in, the user has third-party cookies disabled in the browser. If a user is logged in their Facebook account and visits, Facebook can set first-party…
1 answer

Can my school monitor what I do on my personal device?

So, I was just at home, minding my business. I was on some sites that are not allowed at school, and my email was logged in. I was using safari with the google site. Do they know what I am doing now? They openly say they monitor everything we do on…
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Why are IMSI and IMEI still used?

While I understand their function, both IMSI and IMEI makes tracking and surveillance possible by virtue of being persistent idenfitiers for SIM and handset, respectively. Why aren't these replaced with a more secure scheme, maybe something along…
3 answers

Is it possible to track someone using their mobile number in the UK?

This is something I've wondered for a while - is it theoretically possible to track someone using their phone number in the UK? It's a classic Hollywood trope and I'm wondering just how much truth there is to it and how feasible it would be. Doing…
Hashim Aziz
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Can the ISP (or anyone spying on my WIFI network) see which VPN IP I'm connecting to?

I know that even when connected to a VPN, the ISP (or anyone who controls my WIFI network) could see that I am connected to (A VPN brand), what I would like to know is would they obtain the exact IP that I'm connected to. As a side note, what could…
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Samsung Galaxy S7- If I drain the battery so its dead and remove the simcard, can it's location be tracked down?

I got 2 questions regarding my Samsung Galaxy S7- Q1) If I drain the battery so its dead and remove the simcard, can it's location be tracked down? I'm asking about a dead battery vs removing the battery since you can't remove a Samsung Galaxy S7…
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1 answer

How to hide my platform from a browser to keep my privacy?

I just visited in order to try to understand what makes a web page realize what platform it is running on, aside from User-Agent request header. So I learned about window.navigator, which has member platform and more that…
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