Questions tagged [tracking]

126 questions
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Does setting DNT make one a target to extra tracking?

Does adding the "Do Not Track" (DNT) to HTTP headers make one a target for extra tracking, such as in-depth browser fingerprinting?
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Cross-Device-Tracking on Facebook with partners like Amazon

I have a question regarding cross-device-tracking, especially on facebook. I'm interested in how this is done and I'm a bit concerned about my privacy. Yesterday I surfed on amazon (logged in with my account) on my parents computer and clicked on…
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SMS Tracking for a Mobile

i want know, where is my partner ( located where ), or How can I check on which Basestation in a city is it logged etc.. REgards Ben
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How can I contract an email tracking service and be silent about it?

I use a customized e-mail and my web-master, who is also the domain owner, doesn't allow me to see the settings that the DNS provides. Some DNS services provide, beside domain name registration, services like free forwarding email. Since it is…
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Does using Ghostery with Privacy Badger impair PB's heuristic learning?

I am running Ghostery and Privacy Badger for FF. From what I have read at, PB uses a heuristic algorithm to learn what 3rd-party sites are tracking me. If I am running Ghostery at the same time, does that prevent PB from…
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Offline downloading: Can the website owner know that I’ve saved the page as webarchive while I’m not connected to the internet?

I noticed I can save a webpage as .webarchive file from my iPhone Safari while I’m offline. Basically what I did was to open the website, log in, go to the specific page, then when it’s finished loading, I turned off my internet connection. Then…
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How do I prevent cell tracking

Can my phone be "locked onto" by a person sitting in a vehicle outside my house and thereafter tracked? If a person simply gets my cell number, can the phone then be tracked? If I buy a pay-as-you-go phone card with a cheap phone that never leaves…
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Forward messages without tracking pixels using thunderbird

Thunderbird does not load remote content by default, preventing pixel-tracking. However, if I forward an email, the links to remote content is still included in the forwarded email. Is there an option in Thunderbird to strip remote content when…
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Is a one-time, paper wallet Bitcoin transaction anonymous if you never link personal info? Can one begin with anonymity/end with anonymity too?

Say I buy bitcoins from someone with cash (no bank, name, trace, etc.) and have them send it to a paper wallet/offline address. Yeah, there's a "trace" but to WHAT/WHO? It's bought with cash, etc. With this offline address I receive it and send it…
Ergo Not
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How do tracking services stop third party requests?

Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics for example give you an API key to identify tracking requests from your website. But what is to stop someone from grabbing the key, spoofing your domain and submitting their own tracking requests?
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Can SVG be a potential threat for tracking scripts and similar?

Since SVG files can have JavaScript, which would get executed is it a potential threat for malware, tracking scripts and similar stuff?
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Can cellphone towers triangulation work in 3D or is it 2D only (e.g. longitude/latitude)

So, Most of us understand that cellphone towers are constantly listening for cellphone broadcasts and we also know that triangulation is possible (even retro-actively, as connection records are permanent) by basically using the different signal…
3 answers

Can my school track my laptop?

I do a distance education program in Australia. My distance ed school sends out laptops to all students on loan until they leave school/the program. The laptop is specifically a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 11e (5th Gen) if that makes a difference. My worry…
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Does FB share button contain trackers?

I am considering putting a Facebook share button (shown below) on my website to encourage people to share content to their FB page. However, I do not want cross site trackers "bloating" my website or tracking users. This is the code I would need to…
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Which is less trackable by online services, using a SIM card or free wifi?

I cannot do anything about government agencies, but I doubt that they are interested in me. I do not like the idea of Google, FaceTweet, etc, compiling data on me. What's the best way to prevent them doing so, if I purchase a smartphone - buy a pay…
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