Questions tagged [skimming]

3 questions
2 answers

How concerned should we be about RFID skimming?

I've heard/read several pentesting stories where the pentesters clone RFID badges. I've also seen some articles saying RFID skimming is a negligibly small problem. The RFID skimming I'm talking about is where someone walks up to you to skim your…
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1 answer

How does debit/credit card shimming work?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but before EMV cards were introduced in the U.S., thieves would use card skimmers on ATMs and point-of-sale (POS) terminals (such as gas pumps) to steal the CVV1, which would allow them to create counterfeit cards and…
  • 21
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1 answer

Australian Bush fire donation hacking

On the recent Australian Bushfire event, people are donating to help them. But some inhumane(cybercriminals) are stealing people's money by injecting malicious script on e-commerce and donation sites. For people, it seems that they have donated the…