Questions tagged [p2p]

A peer-to-peer (abbreviated to P2P) computer network is one in which each computer in the network can act as a client or server for the other computers in the network, allowing shared access to various resources such as files, peripherals, and sensors without the need for a central server.

70 questions
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Creating a DDoS attack using DirectConnect

I have been trying to hack around with Apex DirectConnect. What I wish to do is to utilize the querying nature of P2P apps like DC to generate a DDoS attack (see links for reference here, here and here). To quote from one of the references: These…
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2 answers

Does portforwarding present a risk to anonymity?

AirVPN by default has all ports closed but allows port-forwarding. I think this is required for P2P. Is this a threat to anonymity (e.g. would the person at the other end of the P2P transmission know who you are) with port-forwarding set up? I…
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Hiding BitTorrent clients

One of the things that came out of the Snowden files, I believe, was that ISP's will monitor someone that has a BitTorrent client (uTorrent, qbittorrent etc.) installed on their PC, even if they don't use it. It is possible to hide BitTorrent…
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Could server honesty be audited by remote peers without said peers having sole (or any) control of the server?

Suppose for some reason, you and your peers absolutely positively have know that a server is acting honestly. Could the server behaviour be audited remotely through some mechanism of randomly polling portions of server memory and disk content to…
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3 answers

Is a 512 bit RSA key secure when used temporary?

Is a 512 bit RSA key secure when a new key gets generated and used approximately once a week? The key is only used for signing messages, not for encrypting sensitive data. This is for a system where there are many extremely short lived connections…
1 answer

WebRTC security & encryption

I am building a WebRTC application, and really concerned about security. I have read this quite interesting article : As I am far from being an expert in networking security, I just want to confirm that I am doing…
Flo Schild
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How can illegal downloads (not file sharing) be detected?

I understand that copyright holders can identify illegal filesharing over BitTorrent by simply taking part in the sharing process and noting IPs of peers. But how do they detect illegal downloads from file hosters?
1 answer

Are man-in-the-middle attacks against p2p systems realistic?

I'm implementing a DHT based on Kademlia following this paper. The protocol described in this paper uses nonces to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks. The disadvantage is that latency gets doubled by effectively introducing a second round…
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How does pfsense block torrent traffic?

I know that pfsense is a very effective tool for restricting bit torrent traffic. I was wondering how it actually manages to do that ? There's not much information available on this. The more technical, the better.
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1 answer

Privacy in P2P vs relayed connections for VoIP

I'm developing some sort of VoIP application for mobile devices for fun. I initially planned to rely on P2P connections only. I didn't want to use a relay server because I thought (1.) there would be a higher latency and (2.) this would reduce…
3 answers

Privacy issues in Peer to Peer networks

In any typical P2P file sharing app, say DC++, the typical operations are search content, push content and pull content. A peer node broadcasts/multicasts its query to fellow peers and receives replies. My question here is, that when a peer X…
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1 answer

What is known about the sirefef/zeroaccess malware/botnet?

There appears to be an increase in p2p communication among botnets that has been attributed to the sirefef/zeroaccess malware botnet. What is known on this particular threat?
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how to identify p2p on network

Im trying to work out if the traffic in the below image is P2P file sharing? If you notice the source ports are all random but the time 17.24 from c.port 58338 runs for a good length maybe about 400 packets. Is there a way to identify if this is…
G Gr
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Is it always safe (virus/malware/spyware) to download video/music files (torrent, lbry)?

assume all downloads legal Spent a long time trying to find an answer, this related question from 2013 (dated) doesn't fully answer my question although I do fear subtitle malware. LBRY claims to tell you the correct file type before you download a…
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1 answer

Creating a P2P hosted website

Is there a way to create a peer-to-peer hosted website securely: - Without Having a connection between the developer (host) of the website to the website? - Securing some information the site uses like a database that shouldn't be plainly view-able…
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