Questions tagged [ipv6]

IPv6 is the next generation protocol for Internet networking. IPv6 expands on the current Internet Protocol standard known as IPv4. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 offers better addressing, security and other features to support large worldwide networks.

IPv6 is the next generation protocol for Internet networking. IPv6 expands on the current Internet Protocol standard known as IPv4. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 offers better addressing, security and other features to support large worldwide networks.

70 questions
10 answers

How would disabling IPv6 make a server any more secure?

I was reading this article about hardening security on Linux servers, and in point #23, the article says: #23: Turn Off IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) provides a new Internet layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite that replaces Internet…
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7 answers

With IPv6 do we need to use NAT any more?

I'm wondering how to use NAT with IPv6. Seems that you don't even need it any more. So what exactly is the concept behind firewall configurations in IPv6 environments?
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3 answers

What are the security risks in enabling ipv6

We are considering enabling ipv6 on our webservers, so that we are reachable with both ipv4 and ipv6. Are there any security issues we should consider when enabling ipv6?
Peter Smit
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4 answers

Is IPv6 more secure than IPv4?

One of my friends is going to implement IPv6 in his university network environment and he told me it is more secure than IPv4. Is IPv6 more secure than IPv4? If so, how is it achieved on the protocol level?
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1 answer

Setting up a IPv6 Darknet/Network Telescope

I would like to setup a IPv6 Darknet/Network Telescope. It is unused address space a network that is completely passive and sends no outbound traffic. This talk gives more details. Most residential IPv6 internet connections get a /64 subnet.…
John Thomson
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4 answers

Is Teredo in my router a back door?

I use the school computer, which I bought from school, administered by the IT-department. I opened a port to my computer when I stumbled upon this: It points to my computer IP. (I have a static IP to my router.) The contract says the IT-department…
Friend of Kim
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2 answers

Spoofed IPv4 and IPv6 addresses over the internet

I have a few questions regarding IPv4 and IPv6 spoofing. Might as well just list them to be concise: What's the usual routing policy for ISPs' routers in regards to spoofed source addresses? i.e. if an ISP's router manages the /24…
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3 answers

Is IPv6 with NAT less secure than IPv4?

This is a follow up to a snippet from another answer. There, user Ninefingers writes: (...) only allow outbound connections, ever. Do this in spite of NAT as IPv6 will make those NAT defences disappear. Can someone please explain what this means?…
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2 answers

Does DNSSec have any benefit if used with IPSec-enabled IPv6?

I'm not sure if the RFC's support a IPSec-only implementation of DNS, but if it does, what does that mean for DNSSec? Is DNSSec an IPv4-only technology?
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3 answers

How will IPv6 affect DDoS mitigation techniques?

IPv6 introduces a much larger address space than IPv4 and with it there are many new techniques in creating and mitigating DDoS attacks. What are some examples of risks and mitigations? For example, with the additional address space of IPv6 is…
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3 answers

Does IPv6 without NAT allow my ISP to identify/monitor/limit the number of devices in my network?

Does switching to IPv6 without any NAT mean my that ISP can identify/monitor/limit the number of devices in my private network more than they can with NAT (which is a necessity in an a private IPv4-based configuration)? Thanks!
Jason Kleban
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1 answer

Is receiving IPv4 connections on AF_INET6 sockets insecure?

The FreeBSD man page for inet6 has the following: By default, FreeBSD does not route IPv4 traffic to AF_INET6 sockets. The default behavior intentionally violates RFC2553 for security reasons. Listen to two sockets if you want to accept both IPv4…
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2 answers

Is it dangerous to disable the IPv6 firewall built into many home routers?

The router that my ISP has delivered contains an IPv6 firewall. The only configuration option is whether it is on or off. Apparently, this firewall simply denies all incoming connections. I understand this is to prevent exposing all hosts and all…
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2 answers

What implications does IPv6 have for internet worms and script kiddies?

Though IPv6 is not here yet it one day we will all lose our familiar IPv4 addresses and be communicating over the internet solely with IPv6 addresses. What interests me is the implications this has for those who scan the internet hunting for common…
Andy Smith
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1 answer

How do I use nmap to scan a range of IPv6 addresses?

I need to scan a range of IPv6 addresses with Nmap, but I'm not sure how to do this. When scanning for an IPv4 range, I would usually do this: nmap -sP 192.168.*.* or nmap -sP 192.168.1.* but if I need to do this with an IPv6, how would I do it?
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