Questions tagged [ipv6]

IPv6 is the next generation protocol for Internet networking. IPv6 expands on the current Internet Protocol standard known as IPv4. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 offers better addressing, security and other features to support large worldwide networks.

IPv6 is the next generation protocol for Internet networking. IPv6 expands on the current Internet Protocol standard known as IPv4. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 offers better addressing, security and other features to support large worldwide networks.

70 questions
2 answers

What parts of IPv6 address may I show publicly and safely?

I want to ask question about some network issue, i.e. about printing the IPv6 address correctly. I assume the users expect me to provide some meaningful examples of what I expect and what I have. Since I'm not familiar with a IPv6 protocol, I don't…
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How do experienced users test stateful firewall?

How do experienced users test stateful firewall with TCP/IPv6? My test case includes: echo reply without request tcp ack without syn Are there any more test cases, especially with IPv6?
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Configuring socat to pentest an IPv6-only remote web server from an IPv4 host

I need to pentest an IPv6-only web server situated in a remote network from my IPv4 host (Kali Linux VM). I have a 6-to-4 tunnel up between the two hosts (configured using Hurricane Electric). I'm trying to do a vulnerability scan using Nikto, but…
1 answer

Reflection Attacks on Server

I was reading a research paper entitled "Steps to Defend Against DoS Attacks" when I came across this point: "A reflection attack on a server would require server-client-server communication, and most clients are not going to respond to a…
1 answer

Question about IPv6, NAT, firewall, port forwarding, upnp and security

In the next months/years my ISP might give me IPv6 for my home connection. But what are the security implications? Will local network servers/embedded devices be accessible from the whole internet? In IPv4 you were protected by the NAT. Many…
H. Idden
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How can I secure IP Multicast traffic?

I'm interested in securing IP Multicast traffic for content that will be sent globally with several low bandwidth receivers. I understand that simplified Broadcast encryption takes N public keys and encrypts a symmetric key N times. This is an…
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IPV6 Cryptographically Generated Address implementation

I am looking to an Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA) implementation in Java or in C++. Would be glad if someone can help.
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Is disabling IPv6 an effective workaround for "Bad Neighbor" Vulnerability (CVE-2020-16898)?

CVE-2020-16898 is a remote code execution vulnerability caused by the improper handling of ICMPv6 Router Advertisement packets by Windows TCP/IP stack. Microsoft's recommended workaround is to disable ICMPv6 RDNSS component. My question is: In my…
1 answer

Privacy in P2P vs relayed connections for VoIP

I'm developing some sort of VoIP application for mobile devices for fun. I initially planned to rely on P2P connections only. I didn't want to use a relay server because I thought (1.) there would be a higher latency and (2.) this would reduce…
0 answers

What is this "...ffff:ffe2" traffic being blocked?

I have a fairly simplistic pfSense setup. IPv6 is provided through a Hurricane Electric tunnel. Something on my home LAN is sending traffic from an odd-looking address, and so it's getting blocked, because my outgoing rules only allow traffic from…
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Security Risks specific to IPv6-only hosts

Because I can get full IPv6 support now from my home office (Comcast did this right) I have started to bring up cloud servers with no IPv4 addresses -- only IPv6. I use a static address and create a DNS AAAA record for each of them. I have noticed…
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2 answers

IPv4, IPv6 and firewall

Say I have a server running some version of Linux and I give this server an IPv4 address of Now using my network firewall I NAT this IP to some public IP address and I block all incoming traffic to that IP except ports 80 and…
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4 answers

Blocking ipv6 packets with firewall, if using an ipv4 router

A router doesn't support ipv6. There is a machine connected to the router, that is assigned an ipv4 address by the router. The machine uses firewall software. Setting up the machine's firewall, all incoming traffic to the machine needs to be blocked…
Aaron Thomas
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IPv6 Spams dataset?

My master thesis is about "Managing Spam Under IPv6". I would like to use machine learning algorithm on information retrieved from mail headers in order to sort out spams from legitimate mails. To do my testings I obviously need a huge dataset of…
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1 answer

IPv6 private network adressing

While sniffing a training network with Wireshark, I realized that it contains some IPv6 addresses. So I decided to nmap one of the IPv6 address found (with the -6 option), and was able to see my own IPv6 address on the network. Is there an…
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