Questions tagged [dictionary]

A dictionary is a list of possible or common password that are used to crack passwords in a brute force attack. Such an attack is known as a dictionary attack.

81 questions
1 answer

Are dictionary and rainbow table attacks a subset of brute force attacks or are they seperate?

This is more of a question on the actual use of the terms rather than the definitions, so my question is this: Are dictionary and rainbow table attacks a type of brute force attack or are they different entirely? Would it be okay to call a…
luek baja
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2 answers

Regarding Dictionary Attack

Since most websites will let user retry their password, lets say 3 times in a row, in case of mistype or forgotten password. Exceeding the set number of retry the account will be locked or timed out. If one were to use online dictionary attack to…
1 answer

Smaller password lists

I hack wifi passwords with kali linux on airmon-ng and I make always password lists with crunch but the lists are always too long (I'm talking about <100 PT) and I want to know if is there a solution with the same result but with a small size.
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Building a dictionary

I want to create a list of passwords to perform dictionary attack. Please show me how to build a password dictionary file. First, I gather information from users like hobbies, date of birth, favorite animals, etc. What should I do with this…
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Is it possible to have and use a dynamic dictionary for brute-forcing?

For some reason - totally useless for the question - I have this PDF file with a password I forgot and I have no way to remember. I know for a fact (the person who created and gave me this PDF told me so) that the password starts with "AAbcDef", has…
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2 answers

Will extra rules to my diceware list generation scheme decrease security?

I finished reading the Code Book by Simon Singh, I'm interested in playing with some of the ideas in the book to help increase my own understanding. I don't intend to implement the following in any consequential settings; I'm only interested in…
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How to run dirb or gobuster against dynamic html applications with same response data to every request?

I have an application under test. The application response with a simple HTML with a response code 200 to every requests. The HTML contains link tags and script tags which contains necessary js files and css files to render the HTML content later.…
Anonymous Platypus
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2 answers

Generating multi-word passphrases from a wordlist

As part of pentesting NT hashes where the underlying passwords are minimum 16 characters of length, I have created a wordlist of common words, sports teams, movies, names, years etc. - inspired by the approach in this paper…
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1 answer

Can brute force or dictionary attacks be detected when using the WiFi protocol?

Can the WiFi protocol recognize when a brute force or dictionary attack on it is occurring? WiFi gives the user an authentication failed message after entering an incorrect WiFi password several times.
1 answer

RDP Audit Failures Brute Force Attacks

I need some help on tracking the source of these RDP access attempts on our terminal server. Port 3389 is open on the firewall (I know this is a terrible practice. I don't want to hear advice on using a VPN for LAN access). I checked through the…
1 answer

How to Generate Custom Dictionary For this Password Structure

I am trying to carry out a dictionary attack for a password that is of this structure: 15 characters Lowercase letters and 0-9 First a five letter word then 4 numbers, then 6 letter word Examples of possible…
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1 answer

Generate a password dictionary from simple information

Suppose that we are going to perform a dictionary attack to crack the password of a known account. If we have some simple information from the account owner, such as first name, surname, age, date of birth, birthplace, etc, in form of a wordlist, is…
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1 answer

How do I resume a dictionary attack using a custom starting number?

The script below generates 8 digit strings using a combination of characters 0123456789 from number 00000000 to 99999999. crunch 8 8 0123456789 | aircrack-ng -a 2 'HOME-TC-FILE-CAP' -e 'ESSID' -b 'HANDSHAKE' -w - I haven't finished generating all…
bingo bin
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Where can I find good word list for MySQL 5?

I wonder where can I find good collections of dictionaries which can be used for MySQL 5 dictionary attack? I just need MySQL 5 word lists / dictionaries. I found a lot of MD5, SHA1, etc. but not MySQL 5 word list / dictionary.
2 answers

What kind of dictionaries can be created from a normal dictionary?

We have many text files with ~all the words from a given language. Does someone know a "full" list of methods a word/dictionary can be remaked? ex.: testword can be converted using leetspeak ( to:…
gasko peter
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